When I did so with Therese, we had such a great time. All of my friends who study in another school went to DLSU too so we got to be complete once and for all!
Pictured:L-R Top- Jara, Ana, Yua Bottom- Karlos, Raph, Tina, Me, Therese, Nicole, Czar
It was so lovely to be with them after such a long time. Jara, who I never ever see unless I visit her in school, was finally there and I was finally able to reconnect with her. We all bonded at Cerealicious and Papa John's. We decided to head out just before it got dark. We didn't know where to go yet, but thankfully, Therese offered up her house for a drinking session.
Therese & I
So we went to Central to takeout alcohol. The car ride was so fun! We kept laughing all the way to Therese's house. We stayed at her patio as usual and ordered in McDo! It was a great night too! I had to leave early though because the next morning I had an important thing to go to.
The next day was my (not so) little brother's grade school graduation. The ceremony was in the school's newly renovated gymnasium.
Walking to the gym with my mother
Outfit of the day:
Top - Divi
Pants- Divi
Shoes - F21
Bag - Hong Kong Ladies' Market
The graduates
It was so hilarious watching them because I am all too familiar with how you're instructed to be robotic and spot on with everything you do during the ceremony. They tell you at what word to clap, the exact moment you will sit, which hand to shake the rector's hand with, etc. I lol'd when one kid sat in the wrong aisle whcih resulted in a domino effect that lead to the last few students lacking seats. I could see the teachers getting angry.
My brother who stands out due to his abnormal height
Getting his diploma
After the ceremony we took photos and decided to have lunch in Burgos Cirlce in The Fort. We ate in Unle Cheffy. The food was decent, but I didn't like what I ordered so much.
After that I went to Tina's house to film for her debut. It turns out the filming won't be in her house in Ayala but in Marikina. We all took a car there and as usual the car ride was so noisy with out voices trying to compete the party songs playing. The shoot was so funny because we all had to re-do it after seeing that we all looked haggard in the video.
After the shoot, we ate in Gravy Fix Katipunan. What was hilarious was a friend rang me and was freaking out. She kept asking if I was alright because news was going around that I had been in a car accident. I just laughed it off. Apparently my brother was playing a very unfunny April Fools trick! He got in trouble for it after because my parent did not think it was funny. Heehee
It was a really fun couple of days! I had fun spending the days with my girls.
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