The thing is, not most people understand my devotion to Miley Cyrus. Sure, she dresses well and always has the cutest arm candy, but really, she's an inspiring person. I'm not going to turn her into Gandhi or whatever, I just want more people to see why they should stop hating on Miles.
1. She is unpretentious and genuine.
- Probably the worst thing about Disney stars is how boring they are. Miley isn't cut from the same cloth. She's funny and honest and sincere. She's unapologetic for being a real person. Everyone on Disney always have to please the masses, but Miley thinks being real is much better than being liked.
2. She's funny.
- I adore Miley's stints on SNL. She's got such a great sense of humor and she knows how to laugh at herself, which I think is great. Her latest SNL stint's opening number was hilarious. The girl can go on stage and sing about her mistakes. Watch her interviews too. She's just very charming and likeable!
3. She can't be tamed.
- I love the part of Miley that grew up right in front of us. I love that we saw that she's a real person. Her "scandalous" photos and salvia smoking are parts of what makes her a real person. I also love how unapologetic she is about it. Salvia smoking is legal and I think it's shitty that Disney makes her apologize for being a teenage girl. Nonetheless, Miley continues to be herself and have a good laugh about it.
4. Her songs are catchy.
- Don't you even deny it.
5. Awesome: A Demonstration.
Now I am sure everyone will still find things to hate about Miley, but I'm not going to ramble on about that whole "She's just a teenager and lalala". I unapologetically unironically adore Miley Cyrus.
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