Friday, April 6, 2012

summertime sadness

(The title has nothing to do with the posts, as usual. It's just the song that I happen to be listening to!)

If you know me (or if you read this blog, which you're doing right now) then you would know that I hate putting in unnecessary effort (I hate putting in necessary effort too, but that's besides the point I'm trying to make). Whenever I travel with my family, I pack only the night before our flight-- by pack, I mean dump all the articles of clothing I see until I feel that they would be enough to last me the whole trip. I figure I don't really care about looking good, because I don't know anyone where I'm going and I hate having my photo taken anyway. But since today is Good Friday and tomorrow is something something Saturday and the day after that is a Sunday that is holier than other Sundays of the year, malls will be closed and I will be stuck at home until then. So I've decided that planning my outfits for next week's trip would probably help kill some time. I ended up not sleeping for a whole 24 hours (It's true, but I wasn't working on this the whole time, I was just trying to fix my body clock. And since we're in parentheses, I'd like to apologize for my writing. Again, I am running on no sleep)!

So here are the sets I've made! I picked only clothes that are similar to ones I own, so I can actually wear the outfit. I expect to be applauded for my effort in adding some color to these looks (it was painful to not have to go all black). I'm still deciding which looks to pack with me. That could take another sleepless night.

Need to mention that whenever I am deciding on an outfit, packing for vacation or just going out of the house, I always find inspiration in style blogs! I thought I'd share my favorites:

 i'm sure i've forgotten loads more, but for now this is the list!

blog changes + salon review + aria in manila

Greetings! Have you noticed anything different with the blog-- other than that it's been updated with a new post after forever? I've fixed the layout and the header a bit and added some links on the side! I felt a bit odd when someone referred to my blog as a fashion blog, because it's not exclusively that. I hope y'all don't think this is a fashion blog, because then I'd feel guilty talking about homework and traveling. This is more of a personal blog and it just so happens that I like fashion a lot. Anyway, I've put up links on the side for when you want to read about a specific topic and do not want to go through all my posts whining about school and all that!

Consider this a blog make-over! I've browsed through all the past posts and realized how lame it was when I used to do short reviews on practically all collections. It was a bit much wasn't it? Well I've stopped doing that, if you noticed, and I guess I'll just do them for the really special collections. Also, I know I used to let out a lot of angst on here, but I have figured out a way to make it all private, so rest assured that this blog will be more polished now, and I can guarantee there will be less "angry-teen-with-a-blog". Also, my blog titles appear in comic sans sometimes even though I made the font different, and it appears right sometimes, but it appears comic sans other times. This is really embarrassing and I'd like to officially state that I am not that kind of person who uses comic sans.

Alright, I've sort of just decided to make a post to tell you about the blog changes, but now I have nothing else to say other than that. Hm, let's talk about what I did this week. Well, I'm officially on summer vacation (since three weeks ago) and I've been doing nothing but sleeping and eating and going online! Yay!

I suppose I can talk about how I got my hair straightened. It'll act a a salon review too! I really was iffy about getting my hair rebonded again, because I wasn't sure how I'd look with it, but I was just so sick of my hair and getting it rebonded would mean less maintenance, so I went for it. My mom told me about a salon near her office called Hair Philosophie and she bought me a coupon for hair rebonding, and I went in last Friday. I got there for my appointment at 10am, and the place was very pretty. They start on me immediately and the guy who did my hair was very nice. He was very chatty, but it wasn't the annoying kind of chatty, he was very warm. They gave me iced tea and gave my maid iced tea too, while she waited for me. He asked me if I had my hair colored and I told him that I did it myself. He said that my hair was very dry and that before rebonding it, we should put a protector. Since I was there alone, I had to call my mom who was paying for everything, and since we know nothing about hair care, and the guy was very insistent on it, my mom said yes to the P1000 protector serum they put on my hair. After that, they went on with the medicine that reeked. The guy who was lathering it on wasn't even wearing gloves, so it couldn't have been that harmful or strong. They got on to the ironing and the whole thing. It lasted around 3 hours-- short compared to my past rebonding in Antonio's which lasted around 4 or 4 1/2. Before he started he asked me if I should get my hair trimmed, and I said I just got a haircut a couple months ago. He said that we should see if I should get a trim when we finished with the process. So when we did finish, he asked me again if he should trim my hair, and I said I'd rather not, because I didn't want it to get shorter. He said he'd just trim the dry ends and kept saying "konti lang" ("just a little"). So I kept bargaining for him to just take out the tiniest bits, and he said yes. So he did that for what was literally 3 minutes and he trimmed a bit of my bangs and he was done. So I thanked him, and got to the car while my mom paid and tipped and all that. I was happy with my hair, but hoped that it would have more of a body after a few weeks. (Btw, I told him beforehand that I wanted a semi-rebond, so I'm hoping that my hair doesn't stay stick straight or else I will be so mad) When we got home, my mom said that my hair looks the same length and I told her of course it does he didn't really cut it. Then my mom told me that they charged P650 for a haircut because she thought I had asked for one. I told her I didn't and the guy just literally took a few snips at the ends. I mean, I've had my hair rebonded and I get treatments at salons and usually when they ask if you want your bangs trimmed or when they insist to get your ends trimmed they don't let you pay for it? I could be wrong, but it just didn't seem like the "haircut" I got was worth what I paid. Other than that, though, it was a fine salon experience. It's just that it's a deal breaker when the salon keeps offering me things and making it seem like I need it or else I'll turn into Medusa. The staff was extremely nice though. My maid, who has been wanting to get her hair colored, was offered a discount price, but she didn't go through with it because my mom objected (lol).

Something very exciting: my family discovered that our favorite restaurant in Boracay has put up a branch here in High Street!
I don't know, I thought this post needed at least once photo, so that's my brother with the restaurant behind him.
So the food was obviously amazing, but the service was terrible! The waiting staff were very kind and apologetic, but they just took forever with everything. The food took so long and it was served one by one, so dad's food wasn't so hot anymore by the time everyone got their food. Dad was ordering beers, but they were taking forever and we decided to just cancel the order rather than wait. But the experience wasn't ruined by the service! The new leg of High Street was so very beautiful. My brother said it looked exactly like the town square in Play Station Home. It was so great there too, because it was breezy and not as crowded as the other parts of High Street. It was a fun Maundy Thursday (whatever the hell that is) considering we all thought everything would be closed.

Well that post turned out really long! xx