It`s that angelic beautiful face.

Last Monday was probably the most fun I have had in a very long time. I didn`t even know that I had been missing my friends so much until I had finally seen them. With every single hug we gave each other, it was like a huge weight would be lifted off my back. It was like seeing the sun for the first time after years of living in a cave. Laughing with them, I realized that I hadn`t laughed like that in a long time- a genuine laugh brought about by all too familiar people.
There, I was struck with such regret. Regret that I didn`t savor the last months we were all together in High School. I remember wishing of just breaking out of that place- leaving everyone, including my friends, behind and just starting over in a new environment: college. I knew that Ateneo would have extremely few people coming from my High School, and this made it the perfect place for me to go to. Now, I realize how good I had it. Those people, those friends- we all grew up together, we all know everything about each other, and we`re probably going to be each other's best friends for the rest of our lives! And I was stupid to wish it all away in place of total strangers.
Despite the melancholy and tinge of sadness I felt yesterday, it was still incredibly fun. I rode with Ana`s brother and we picked her up at UA&P, then we went to The Fort. There, Ana`s driver picked us up and brought us to Taft. We had 13 (5 have already popped) balloons with us and 2 cupcakes. We went to the 2nd floor of ZenTea where all the other girls were. They had put up a banner on the wall, and we threw the balloons all over the place. Jara, the birthday girl and reason we were all there, finally arrived and every single costumer at ZenTea went deaf with our screams. We were laughing every second we were there. Finally, we walked around Taft a bit, and the girls gave us a tour. It was already dark, so there weren`t many people. I saw a few Augustinians, but I`m sure there would have been a lot more if it was daylight. We all had to separate eventually. Some of them had Santugon meetings, others had to leave. Joane brought Jara & I home. The catching up in the car was so much fun. I got to my dorm really really happy!
I realized how much I am missing. I was introduced to their new friends, their new environment, their new life! I have to admit, I am a bit jealous. They get to spend so much time with each other. They get to have all these fun experiences together. They get to grow together. And it`s sad because maybe, later on, they could forget about me. But, I`m hopeful that the bond we shared in High School is enough to keep us close in the coming 4 years we will be (physically) apart.