So it's only a couple of weeks until the New Year and I thought it's time for Year-Ender posts (Yes, there is an S because I won't be able to remember everything in 2010 in a single entry). I guess 2010 has been a good year. I don't really know how to tell if it's been good or not because hey, I'm still alive. Nothing life-changing (other that the usual expected things I'm really supposed to go through) has happened to me so I can't say. I will say that I am thankful for this year and this post is a Top Ten Best Things That Happened To Me This Year (that's a mouthful).
10. Graduating High School. I guess this is the least important because we all knew it was going to happen eventually. It was so great to be finally out of there! No more stupid rules and stupid teachers. No more Catholic practices. It's just wonderful to finally be free of the place.
9. Blogging. This 2010 I committed myself to finally blogging. I used to write in a diary religiously everyday, but I ran out of diaries and grew up and became too busy. My professor says it's a very helpful writing exercise to keep a diary/journal. I thought why not a blog (since I am on the computer so much)? I actually use this more for personal and more sensible writing while I use my Tumblr for fangirling. It's actually a helpful and I'm glad I get to practice more writing.
8. Getting my hair coloured. It seems pretty shallow, but it actually means a lot more to me than it seems. You see for the longest time, probably since I was 13, I have wanted to colour my hair. My mother has always discouraged it and I've always been to scared to do it. I always made excuses like "My hair might die" or "What if it doesn't look good?" and "I'm broke". Okay that last one was a valid excuse. Well, this sembreak I finally grabbed a pack of Prettia and shampooed like 'dry damaged hair' was a myth! It turned out pretty great actually. The color is a light shade of chestnut brown and it isn't too drastic, but it's a stepping stone to what I really want which is ginger! Colouring my hair was kind of an indication that I am now, I wouldn't say comfortable, but less afraid of change and risks. Maybe, if I succeed in convincing my parents, a tattoo is in the works!
7. Going back to Hong Kong. During the semester break, I went to Hong Kong with my Dad and a few relatives. It was 4 straight days of nothing but shopping and food! I had some much needed retail therapy after a stressful first semester of college. It was great to bond with my Dad and I realized that he is the perfect shopping buddy!
6. Dorm Life. Living in a dorm was such a scary concept to me. I am very dependent on my family and househelp (who happens to be my best friend in the world and keeps me sane). When I started dorming (this is a term I'm going to use from now on) I was surprise by how normal it was. It just felt like home, except with a lot of people and I can't walk around in underwear (Oddly enough people still stare when I walk around in clothes that could pass for underwear. This is supposed to be my house and in my house I walk around wearing things like these). Sure it's really a hassle because I need to save money and I have to walk or trike to school, but it's great because I'm learning responsibility.
5. Learning to commute. Public transportation and I are not best friends yet, but we're getting there. Because I now live in a dorm, I've had to take a trike to school everyday. Believe it or not, a year ago this would have been a really outrageous idea to me, but now I do it everyday! I have learned to take the train. I've even ridden it alone and had to transfer stations. It's extremely stressful and tiring, but very cheap and fast. I hope I get to be a commuting savant soon because I am sick of needing to ask my parents to bring me places.
4. Re-uniting with Cara. I still remember the last time I saw her before she moved to Canada back when we were 14. I gave her a hug and left. No long teary goodbyes, no emotional hugs, nothing. It was as if I would see her the week after. I was never really good at goodbyes. I guess we didn't realize how much we would miss each other. I saw her again this summer when she came back to the Philippines. We had a great few weeks together and it's great to know that even after those years of being apart, we're still as close as ever and we still remember all the crazy memories.
3. Learning to drive. I've recently been taking driving lessons and they've been going great. I've been scared of driving since my Mom, the panicky paranoid driver, learned. It's always seemed like such a scary thing from her point of view. When I was finally behind the wheel, it felt so normal. I'm very very excited to be able to drive myself to wherever I want to go. I just know this will very much help my social life and probably my sanity since I won't be home so much anymore.
2. Meeting and becoming close to new wonderful people. Actually making friends is a big deal to me. I don't mix well with people. I don't have that natural charm that makes everyone want to befriend me. I am not just saying this. I find it physically exhausting to connect with another human being when things like physical appearance, politeness and manners get in the way. This is why it is such a big deal to me that I have actually managed to make good friends. They're all great and wonderful and I'm happy to have met them.
1. Getting into my dream school! Ateneo has been my [realistic] dream since I started considering college prospects. I'm so glad that I am currently going to this university. Even though it took some work and a long and agonizing wait, it was very well worth it. I'm getting quality education and, though I complain a lot, I am really enjoying actually learning and being challenged. I am very excited to see the look on the face of the person who will interview me for a job when he/she sees that I graduated from ADMU.
Well, that's it. Wait for more installments of my 2010 Year Ender Posts!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
I do not like to consider this a fashion blog. This is a personal blog, and it just so happens that fashion is a huge part of my life. The reason I do not blog much about my personal life is that nothing interesting actually happens to me. The biggest thrill I got this week was going online to see the latest Chanel collection. I'm planning on blogging more about me though so I'll start now!
I have been taking driving lessons since three weeks ago and the only time I get to practice is on the weekends when I'm not in school or at the dorm. I'm very very excited about driving myself places because I wouldn't need to bother my parents to give me a ride. I already have a car. It's a 2010 Toyota Altis. My Dad is talking about selling it to buy me a less expensive car because apparently I have to earn it, but I highly doubt he's serious. 6 more hours of lessons and a lot more practice until I can get my license! So excited!
Okay now on to the fashion! (well duh)
I have been keeping tabs on the Pre-Fall shows and unfortunately only three out of the handful are good.

First is Jason Wu's collection. His designs are young but sophisticated. The collection is stunning! It's all very classy, but very hip. So very Lily Van der Woodsen, but younger. My favorite has to be the nude bejewelled dress and the navy blue coat. You all know I am the biggest fan of lace and I am in love with that black sheer lace shirt. I need that in my closet ASAP! And check out the middle row middle column dress. Didn't I say electric pleats were back in? I used to have a skirt like it! Must go vintage shopping soon! :)

Temperley London showed us lace and jewels this season too, but with a Matador twist! I adore the purple in this collection and the patterns on the lace are absolutely gorgeous. If I were to pick a favorite piece it would be the top right dark purple lace dress. I kind of have a shoe crush on those strappy heels.

Of course, Chanel!!! Karl showed his Byzantine inspired collection in Paris. Chanel insists on reviving tweed so I will oblige them! I have this old tweed jacket at home and a little DIY and maybe it could pass for a Karl Original! Kidding. I really really love this collection. The gold makes everything better! If I were a Turkish Princess I would wear everything here. Alas, I am not so maybe I'll do with an old tweed jacket and some bling. PS. I don't understand why these models are wearing hooves. Horse feet = not attractive. Just saying.
Well that's it! I have class tomorrow and a ton of homework. Did I mention I am broke as a joke? I don't even have two pesos to rub together. Oh c'est la vie!
Here's an AMAZING video of Marion Cotillard for Dior!
I have been taking driving lessons since three weeks ago and the only time I get to practice is on the weekends when I'm not in school or at the dorm. I'm very very excited about driving myself places because I wouldn't need to bother my parents to give me a ride. I already have a car. It's a 2010 Toyota Altis. My Dad is talking about selling it to buy me a less expensive car because apparently I have to earn it, but I highly doubt he's serious. 6 more hours of lessons and a lot more practice until I can get my license! So excited!
Okay now on to the fashion! (well duh)
I have been keeping tabs on the Pre-Fall shows and unfortunately only three out of the handful are good.
First is Jason Wu's collection. His designs are young but sophisticated. The collection is stunning! It's all very classy, but very hip. So very Lily Van der Woodsen, but younger. My favorite has to be the nude bejewelled dress and the navy blue coat. You all know I am the biggest fan of lace and I am in love with that black sheer lace shirt. I need that in my closet ASAP! And check out the middle row middle column dress. Didn't I say electric pleats were back in? I used to have a skirt like it! Must go vintage shopping soon! :)
Temperley London showed us lace and jewels this season too, but with a Matador twist! I adore the purple in this collection and the patterns on the lace are absolutely gorgeous. If I were to pick a favorite piece it would be the top right dark purple lace dress. I kind of have a shoe crush on those strappy heels.
Of course, Chanel!!! Karl showed his Byzantine inspired collection in Paris. Chanel insists on reviving tweed so I will oblige them! I have this old tweed jacket at home and a little DIY and maybe it could pass for a Karl Original! Kidding. I really really love this collection. The gold makes everything better! If I were a Turkish Princess I would wear everything here. Alas, I am not so maybe I'll do with an old tweed jacket and some bling. PS. I don't understand why these models are wearing hooves. Horse feet = not attractive. Just saying.
Well that's it! I have class tomorrow and a ton of homework. Did I mention I am broke as a joke? I don't even have two pesos to rub together. Oh c'est la vie!
Here's an AMAZING video of Marion Cotillard for Dior!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
My fashion story!
This is a tag I found floating around Youtube. I decided I would do it since it might be fun!
1. How old were you when fashion became an important part of you life?
Ever since I can remember, fashion has been my life! I can't remember ever wanting to be anything that didn't involve fashion- designer, stylist, magazine editor- you name it! I cannot remember a pivotal event that made me fall in love with fashion, I have just always loved it. My Mom said that I had muscular calves as a little kid because I always wore heels. Yes, at 7 years old I was wearing heels! Ridiculous as that might have looked, I thought I looked fabulous in them- and I felt fabulous in them too! Years have passed and I am as in love with fashion as I was back then, but now I understand it more and I have a more in-depth relationship with it.
2. Who or what inspired you to love fashion?
I have a lot of inspirations, but if you are asking who influenced me to love fashion, then I would not be able to pinpoint exactly. Like I said I have always been like this and I cannot remember a time when I was not so it is hard to say who or what made me like this. I grew up with my Mom and Dad, neither cared about clothes. I can't really say, but I do not remember a point in my life when I did not love fashion. Honest.
3. Whats your favorite clothing store or designer?
My favorite has to be Topshop! They have the best of everything! I would wear everything they sell! As for designers, I love the Mulleavy sisters, Elie Saab, Alber Elbaz, Christian Lacroix (who was my first ever favorite designer. ah i miss him!), Riccardo Tisci (worship him), the duo behind Valentino.. etc!!
4. If you were forced to wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Something comfy, but still stylish and something I would be able to rock until I'm 50! Black skinny jeans, a sheer top with lace details (think Valentino Fall 2010), nude pumps!
5. What is your fashion pet peeve?
That clothes only look good if you're skinny. :(
6. What is the first thing you notice in a person's outfit?
Guys: Shoes! Shoes are such a big deal for guys! They're a deal breaker or maker! Girls: Everything, usually top or dress.
7. What fashion trend has confused you?
Fringe! I'm just not feeling it. Also, drop crotch pants.
8. Would you rather buy one designer item and use it for the rest of you life or by multiple things yearly from places like H&M, Forever 21, Rue 21, or Charlotte Russe?
Definitely multiple pieces from not-so high end brands. I believe in investing in designer duds and all, but when you're 17 and living on a budget, F21 and H&M are your best friends!
I tag everyone who read this! :)
1. How old were you when fashion became an important part of you life?
Ever since I can remember, fashion has been my life! I can't remember ever wanting to be anything that didn't involve fashion- designer, stylist, magazine editor- you name it! I cannot remember a pivotal event that made me fall in love with fashion, I have just always loved it. My Mom said that I had muscular calves as a little kid because I always wore heels. Yes, at 7 years old I was wearing heels! Ridiculous as that might have looked, I thought I looked fabulous in them- and I felt fabulous in them too! Years have passed and I am as in love with fashion as I was back then, but now I understand it more and I have a more in-depth relationship with it.
2. Who or what inspired you to love fashion?
I have a lot of inspirations, but if you are asking who influenced me to love fashion, then I would not be able to pinpoint exactly. Like I said I have always been like this and I cannot remember a time when I was not so it is hard to say who or what made me like this. I grew up with my Mom and Dad, neither cared about clothes. I can't really say, but I do not remember a point in my life when I did not love fashion. Honest.
3. Whats your favorite clothing store or designer?
My favorite has to be Topshop! They have the best of everything! I would wear everything they sell! As for designers, I love the Mulleavy sisters, Elie Saab, Alber Elbaz, Christian Lacroix (who was my first ever favorite designer. ah i miss him!), Riccardo Tisci (worship him), the duo behind Valentino.. etc!!
4. If you were forced to wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Something comfy, but still stylish and something I would be able to rock until I'm 50! Black skinny jeans, a sheer top with lace details (think Valentino Fall 2010), nude pumps!
5. What is your fashion pet peeve?
That clothes only look good if you're skinny. :(
6. What is the first thing you notice in a person's outfit?
Guys: Shoes! Shoes are such a big deal for guys! They're a deal breaker or maker! Girls: Everything, usually top or dress.
7. What fashion trend has confused you?
Fringe! I'm just not feeling it. Also, drop crotch pants.
8. Would you rather buy one designer item and use it for the rest of you life or by multiple things yearly from places like H&M, Forever 21, Rue 21, or Charlotte Russe?
Definitely multiple pieces from not-so high end brands. I believe in investing in designer duds and all, but when you're 17 and living on a budget, F21 and H&M are your best friends!
I tag everyone who read this! :)
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