A few new friends of mine have recently discovered that I am a feminist! Wooh! Of course I've been having to endure the patronizing jokes that I expected would ensue. But sometimes they really do as me to explain aspects of it, like with slut-shaming. Try and make friends with any college student and let's see if they don't actively participate in slut-shaming. My friends, of course, do so regularly, and I try to just keep quiet whenever they do. I've expressed that I don't think judging someone based on their sexual practices is okay. But a few times they've asked me to explain why I believe this and of the times they've asked me 1. They laughed at me and 2. I was drunk at 2am. So I guess I've been wanting to just get it out and finally be able to express myself without the fear of being ridiculed (Hey, you can laugh at me in the comfort of your own homes without me seeing it) so I made this post. Also, once I get started on talking about this subject it's hard to pull back so I felt I just had to give my two cents on this viral video.
First of all, the title of the video "things i don't understand about girls" already bugs me. The title states that this video talks about GIRL issues. Not guy issues. Not guy and girl issues. Just GIRL issues. If sluttiness is about having a lot of sex and both boys and girls have sex, then why is sluttiness only a girl issue? The double standard in slut-shaming has been talked about so many times, but here's the issue. Slut-shaming is a feminist issue, because it targets girls. I've heard far too many an asshole say "guys can be sluts too." Let's not even go there.
When Jenna tries to explain who the "sluts" really are, she cannot form a concrete answer. (1:00) She says that the "slut" is the person we know who we think is a "slut." Okay, take a second to process that. Here, we can already see that trying to define the concept of a "slut" is impossible, because it's a stupid fucking made-up thing! No one can really define what it is, all they can do is go "you know.... a slut... you know what I'm talking about" and the terrible thing is that we DO know what they're talking about because society has so ingrained it in our heads. This skirt is slutty, drinking with guys is slutty, wearing too much make-up is slutty. It's confusing because these things have nothing to do with the act of sex and yet they're all considered slutty.
(2:00) Then she touches on one night stands and how she doesn't understand them. Jenna, girl, let me tell you that I am with you on that. How she described it was pretty funny because of how accurate it was. It is pretty terrifying getting buttnaked in front of a stranger, but other people think it's fine! Other people love that shit! I hate that shit! But what part of me hating it gives me the right to judge people who love it? None. And in this one night stand segment that the victim blaming starts (2:35). Jenna says that if you have a one night stand then you're in danger of being gang banged. Yup okay fair enough. The statistics don't lie. But then maybe in a different context it would seem like actual concern, but in the context of making a video about "sluts" who she then calls dumb, it is just very judge-y and blame-y (look at me making up words!)
(3:30) She calls out girls who have made really funny claims about how they aren't sluts because butt sex and oral sex aren't actual acts of sex. But yeah, it sounds funny when you hear it, but actually, seems pretty reasonable considering the weird concept we have of virginity. Virginity is never having have had a penis in your vagina and never having had your penis enter one? What about lesbians? Are they all virgins? Do their sex count as real sex? Gays? So it's understandable that these girls are confused about what really counts as sex. In the first place, why do these girls have to insist that they aren't sluts? Why do they have to explain themselves to people just so they won't be judged and looked down on?
Oh and in one point (5:20) she says that she doesn't get excited for a slutty friend who gets pregnant, because they don't know the father. Well, Jenna, that tells us how you feel about single mothers.
(5:30) Yes, of course we should help each other out. If you see someone about to be taken advantage of, help them! But how Jenna has phrased it is that when a girl is drunk and with some guy then asking them if they're okay will get their brain wheels turning and help them realize that they actually shouldn't go home with this guy; that we should "help he sluts of the world make bad slutty decisions." Here's what everyone needs to know: a girl doesn't decide to get raped. That's the rapist's decision to rape a girl. When a girl puts on a short skirt or goes home with a guy or gets really drunk, she doesn't think "Oh yeah I am so going to get raped wooh!" Nothing a girl can ever do can give anyone the right to rape her. Nothing she can ever do will make her deserving of rape. Why does a girl have to act a certain way just so she won't get raped? That's fucked up and dangerous. In this whole segment where she tells us to save the stupid helpless sluts from their stupid helpless selves who make stupid decisions to go home with a guy when they're drunk, she fails to understand a lot of things: 1. That being drunk means you cannot make the best decisions. It happens when you get drunk. It's not because you're stupid, it's because you're drunk. 2. No matter how mentally deficient you are, doesn't mean you deserve or are asking for rape. 3. You don't get raped because of your bad decisions. You get raped because some motherfucker decides to rape you. You could wear a fucking sombrero and five layers of turtlenecks and some asshole could still rape you. You don't blame the person who got raped for her rape. That shit gets you from decent human being to motherfucker who deserves to go through all the circles of hell.
In the last part, Jenna claims that sluttiness, to her, is really just based on sexual acts and not the appearances. She says that she will "only judge you based on "how many dicks you put in your body on a daily basis." Here's the thing, Jenna. Why would you judge anyone? The sex that someone else has is none of your goddamn business. Don't say people are animals because they have a lot of sex. Another really really problematic thing she says is that (8:38) girls who have a lot of sex do not respect themselves and their bodies. It's that rhetoric that I hear so many people have that just grinds my gears. Respecting your body does not mean hiding it. It could mean loving it so much that you show it off to everyone! The point is that you don't get to say how anyone feels about themselves.
Last point, if you think not having so many dicks inside of you doesn't feel good, then alright. But a lot of people like it. If they don't judge you for being so vanilla in the bedroom then don't judge them. You are not above anyone.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
MUSIC POST! No boring intro this time, let's just get down to the good part!
Another rapper I have come to love is Le1f. Wut has been a contented for Vulture's song of the summer and I think it should definitely win! It's super fun and dance-y and the video is as well! I may not understand everything, but that beat is superb. The lyrics are funny too.
Oberhofer is a band I discovered recently. Away Frm U is such a feel good song. I loved it from the first time I heard it, which rarely happens for me! This is one of those songs I'm convinced everyone will love once they hear it.
I first heard this song a few weeks back and I thought it was some good 90s rock, but apparently Peace is a new band with only an EP out. Even though this is some lame Tumblr pastel goth shit going on on the music video, I still really love the song and think the band is super cool. The four track EP is excellent as well. Here's hoping the band does really well so we get more songs!
Just like the previous band, Swim Deep also hails from Birmingham. The first song I head of theirs was Honey and it remains my favorite til now. King City is a close second. I like their reference of Jenny Lindberg who is from another one of my favorite bands, Warpaint. I watched an interview with the band, Swim Deep, not Warpaint, and fell in love with the boys (also they are my age which made me want to date them and at the same time kill myself for being so unaccomplished in comparison). I feel the need to comment about the boys' clothing style, because I like it, I like it a lot. The more like garbage you look, the higher the chance I'd want to smang you.
Amazing all girl band, PINS, just released their debut EP which is named after this song. I know there are very few all girl bands who really make it these days and most of the time they get famous for being an all girl band instead of for the music; that's why I was really surprised to find that PINS' very first songs sound stellar!
TOY (another google unfriendly band name) reminds me of The Horrors, another one of my faves. Obviously they have the same playing-music-in-the-dark-with-psychedelic-lights music video formula. Don't worry, they aren't some cheap knock-off! They are just as good (although I may have to listen to more than three songs to make that call). Listen to this song and try not to drown in the lead singer's eyes (it's a difficult feat, trust me).
MØ is so great that I don't even mind that I have to google her and copy paste her name every time I have to type her. People were saying she's the new Grimes, but I can find some differences. MØ has more of a belting out voice and it really plays well into her songs. Also, she does that whole Lana del Rey thing where she gets vintage clips and pastes them together for videos. Anyway, Pilgrim is by far my favorite of her songs. I think it's such a perfect feel good tune.
Sky Ferreira is known by most of us as a famous girl who goes to parties and dresses well. I never even knew she was a singer until I followed her on twitter and she kept promoting her music. I figured, oh a pretty and famous girl who is trying her hand at music-- it will definitely be mediocre. Now I love Sky. She is such an inspiration, because her style is exactly my style. But making good music takes talent and I wasn't sure she had it. When this song started popping up everywhere, I figured I'd give it a listen and by the end of the day, I had memorized the lyrics. I don't think it's excellent life changing music, but man is it catchy. So 80s and go great.
Bat for Lashes' new song, Laura, has gotten quite a buzz already, so I guess I don't have to convince anyone that this is great. Besides, everyone already knows the band from their earlier song, Daniel (which if you have never heard, then you need to get on that, like, right the hell now). Apparently, this song has a really tragic meaning and it really resonates if you give it a listen.
These are just a few songs I wanted to put in. A bunch of things on my playlist right now don't have official music videos yet so I figured it wouldn't be as fun to still put them here. But if you like the songs, talk to me about music, because I literally know no one who doesn't make fun of my music taste, so any acknowledgement would me appreciated. Also most of these are not well-known bands so if you like them, tell ya friends, ya parents, ya professors, ya neighbors, everyone! Help the indie music scene (ew did I just say that?)
Another rapper I have come to love is Le1f. Wut has been a contented for Vulture's song of the summer and I think it should definitely win! It's super fun and dance-y and the video is as well! I may not understand everything, but that beat is superb. The lyrics are funny too.
Oberhofer is a band I discovered recently. Away Frm U is such a feel good song. I loved it from the first time I heard it, which rarely happens for me! This is one of those songs I'm convinced everyone will love once they hear it.
I first heard this song a few weeks back and I thought it was some good 90s rock, but apparently Peace is a new band with only an EP out. Even though this is some lame Tumblr pastel goth shit going on on the music video, I still really love the song and think the band is super cool. The four track EP is excellent as well. Here's hoping the band does really well so we get more songs!
Just like the previous band, Swim Deep also hails from Birmingham. The first song I head of theirs was Honey and it remains my favorite til now. King City is a close second. I like their reference of Jenny Lindberg who is from another one of my favorite bands, Warpaint. I watched an interview with the band, Swim Deep, not Warpaint, and fell in love with the boys (also they are my age which made me want to date them and at the same time kill myself for being so unaccomplished in comparison). I feel the need to comment about the boys' clothing style, because I like it, I like it a lot. The more like garbage you look, the higher the chance I'd want to smang you.
Amazing all girl band, PINS, just released their debut EP which is named after this song. I know there are very few all girl bands who really make it these days and most of the time they get famous for being an all girl band instead of for the music; that's why I was really surprised to find that PINS' very first songs sound stellar!
TOY (another google unfriendly band name) reminds me of The Horrors, another one of my faves. Obviously they have the same playing-music-in-the-dark-with-psychedelic-lights music video formula. Don't worry, they aren't some cheap knock-off! They are just as good (although I may have to listen to more than three songs to make that call). Listen to this song and try not to drown in the lead singer's eyes (it's a difficult feat, trust me).
MØ is so great that I don't even mind that I have to google her and copy paste her name every time I have to type her. People were saying she's the new Grimes, but I can find some differences. MØ has more of a belting out voice and it really plays well into her songs. Also, she does that whole Lana del Rey thing where she gets vintage clips and pastes them together for videos. Anyway, Pilgrim is by far my favorite of her songs. I think it's such a perfect feel good tune.
Sky Ferreira is known by most of us as a famous girl who goes to parties and dresses well. I never even knew she was a singer until I followed her on twitter and she kept promoting her music. I figured, oh a pretty and famous girl who is trying her hand at music-- it will definitely be mediocre. Now I love Sky. She is such an inspiration, because her style is exactly my style. But making good music takes talent and I wasn't sure she had it. When this song started popping up everywhere, I figured I'd give it a listen and by the end of the day, I had memorized the lyrics. I don't think it's excellent life changing music, but man is it catchy. So 80s and go great.
Bat for Lashes' new song, Laura, has gotten quite a buzz already, so I guess I don't have to convince anyone that this is great. Besides, everyone already knows the band from their earlier song, Daniel (which if you have never heard, then you need to get on that, like, right the hell now). Apparently, this song has a really tragic meaning and it really resonates if you give it a listen.
These are just a few songs I wanted to put in. A bunch of things on my playlist right now don't have official music videos yet so I figured it wouldn't be as fun to still put them here. But if you like the songs, talk to me about music, because I literally know no one who doesn't make fun of my music taste, so any acknowledgement would me appreciated. Also most of these are not well-known bands so if you like them, tell ya friends, ya parents, ya professors, ya neighbors, everyone! Help the indie music scene (ew did I just say that?)
Friday, October 5, 2012
It's some sort of cruel joke from the gods that my finals always have to coincide with fashion month. It's the reason why I look 5 times more harassed than the average college student. I used to write such detailed posts about the collections but now I'll be condensing it to one post. Besides, I'm doing this during my one hour study break. How typical is it that I'm exerting so much more effort into this than my Economics review?
I can't form an objective opinion on this season, because, by the time Milan rolled around, I was just so damn exhausted. Definitely enjoyed all the drama that this season was just full of! I missed Stefano for YSL, though. Hedi was such a flop! Ruffles were all over the shows, but it was only Givenchy that made me a believer in them. There were some excellent collections from new labels. Eudon Choi made great boxy jackets paired with sexy slit skirts. Thomas Tait is a newcomer that I have loved since his first show and he continues to deliver. Dion Lee always brings in his excellent draping, but this season, he combines it with more structured pieces. Markus Lupfer's presentation showed how to make shiny chic-- I would wear every single piece. Dries Van Noten revived plaid in see through fabrics. 3.1 Philip Lim did the same in a few of his pieces. I never thought plaid could be something other than just grungy.
There were also a lot of disappointments this season. For one, Hedi's debut of YSL or SLP was a huge let down. I do not know of his work in womenswear prior to this season, but I know he is lauded for his menswear in Dior Homme, so I expected a lot-- at the very least a good androgyny themed collection. It ended up being a dark boho cowboy mix that would pass for a Rachel Zoe collection. I did like the pants, though. Raf's RTW debut for Dior was also not as great as I was hoping for. I would give it a 7/10. The models kept tripping on the runway, which made for an exciting show. I also did not like Lanvin. Alber consistently makes great clothes, and he did make good pieces this season, but it seemed messy. I wish he had left the boxy trend alone and stuck to what he does best. Margiela was more commercial this season (probably to ease people into their H&M tie up). It was actually the good kind of commercial: clean and subtle. Proenza Schouler did nothing for me. I found the leather patchwork to be abhorrent, but the digital print dresses were very good and almost saved the show!
To conclude, I think my favorite things from this season are that there was so much drama and also the fact that there were a lot of surprises when it came to which collections I liked and didn't like. I'm glad to be taking a break from the sleeping late to watch livestreams and rushing home to look at runway photos!
Top 5 Collections (in no order):
- Dries Van Noten
- Alexander Wang
- Haider Ackerman
- Givenchy
- No. 21
Top 5 Models:
- Julia Nobis
- Antonina Vasylchenko
- Hedvig Palm
- Kel Markley
- Nastya Kusakina
Top 5 Dramas:
- Simons vs Slimane showdown (with Simons as the clear victor)
- Horyn vs de la Renta "hotdog" "hamburger" debacle
- Slimane vs the rest of the fashion world
- Slapping at Zac Posen
- YSL to SLP to SL mix ups
Favorite looks:
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Happy Feet
It's been a crazy couple of days here, and not because I've been doing a lot of things, but because the country is literally about to be submerged in water. It isn't anymore such a surprise when a storm this damaging hits the country. I actually expect one every year. It is sad that so many people are losing their homes and loved ones, because of poor drainage systems, pollution, global warming, etc. I haven't had classes since Wednesday and won't be having them until Saturday, so I've been getting school work done. Hopefully, by tomorrow, I'll be finished with my requirements and I get to help in packing and giving out the relief goods to the victims!
For the past few weeks, getting dressed has been a real treat for me, because I love layers, and the rainy season is the only time I get to wear them! But footwear was such a hassle, because my shoes would fall apart when they got wet from the rain. After weeks of searching for rain boots, I couldn't find any decent ones being sold in the Philippines. So I just dreamt of the rain boots I have always wanted but could never afford. Surprisingly, not enough designers make rain boots. I guess millionaires don't have the problem of flood waters. For those of us who can only dream of braving the rains in Prada, I've made a list of my top 5 most coveted rainy day footwear!
or DSQUARED Spring 2012
What are you donning to keep your feet dry this season? xx
For the past few weeks, getting dressed has been a real treat for me, because I love layers, and the rainy season is the only time I get to wear them! But footwear was such a hassle, because my shoes would fall apart when they got wet from the rain. After weeks of searching for rain boots, I couldn't find any decent ones being sold in the Philippines. So I just dreamt of the rain boots I have always wanted but could never afford. Surprisingly, not enough designers make rain boots. I guess millionaires don't have the problem of flood waters. For those of us who can only dream of braving the rains in Prada, I've made a list of my top 5 most coveted rainy day footwear!
1. Prada Fall 2009
2. Acne Pre-Fall 2012
3. Louis Vuitton Fall 2011
or DSQUARED Spring 2012
4. Margiela Tabi
5. Cheap Monday Spring 2011
What are you donning to keep your feet dry this season? xx
Monday, August 6, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
On "fashion blogs" and fashion blogs
I have just gotten home (my actual home that I go home at the end of the week) from my Saturday classes and I have yet to catch up on a week's worth of sleep, so excuse me if this post doesn't make as much sense or show as much insight as you expected.
Somebody tweeted a link to this Philippine Star article entitled "A Fashion Blogger Reality Check" and of course I just had to read it. I have yet to find a local "fashion blog" that I enjoy reading (in their defense, I don't really go out searching for any) for reasons that will probably make me sound like a complete snob (but I'll tell you about them anyway later on). So of course, I was very curious to see what people, who are intelligent enough to write for a national paper, thought about "fashion blogs."
Alright, before all that, I just want to explain why I keep putting quotation marks on that term. Everyone considers fashion blogs as the blogs where the majority of the posts are of the blogger's outfit of the day. Some famous local "fashion bloggers" are Camille Co, Tricia Gosingtian, Patricia Prieto. Even one of my closest friends, Cristina Decena, runs a very successful fashion blog. I, personally, think of these blogs as more of style blogs, rather than fashion blogs. To me, fashion blogs are blogs that talk about the fashion industry or blogs that show style, but not so much one's own. I guess I see the blogs of the "fashion bloggers" as leaning more on personal than for the sake of fashion, but that's just how I see it. Some of my favorite fashion blogs would be Coco's Tea Party or STREETFSN, just to show you the difference. So I want to make clear that I'm not putting quotation marks on the term to mock anyone; it's just that it would confuse me to use the term without them.
On to the article. Gabie, the writer, talks about how blogging was so different back in her day (Has anyone ever read an article on blogging that does not talk about this?). She says that she has a Tumblr, but does not consider herself a blogger. I, too, have a Tumblr, and even though I don't think it's as much of a blog as the fashion bloggers' blogs are, it's still a blog, so me using it makes me a blogger. But, again, that's just how I see it.
The first jab she makes at "fashion bloggers" is when she says that her blog is "all [her], and [she is] in no way trying to turn [herself] into [her] own movement with sponsors and free hooch." I don't have a fashion blog, but the only thing that would motivate me to make one is all the "free hooch" that I would probably get. (In fact, I was just having a conversation with my blockmates about this. They insisted I make a blog so we can all benefit from my "free hooch.") First of all. it's a blog. I don't see why you would target the integrity of a blog, especially one that has Jeffrey Campbell shoes as the highlight (This is my own jab at Jeffrey Campbell). I don't think any "fashion blogger" considers her blog as sacred and above receiving free stuff for. I'm sure the readers definitely don't mind seeing a stupid ad for lotion on their favorite blogs, so it's really not a big deal.
"I find that the blogs I tend to enjoy are the ones that aren’t really all about the person who runs the blog in question. It’s about the different street styles you’ll see in different cities, where the best sales are, or how to make the best of this week’s basil." I agree with her on this, because I think you learn so much more in those kinds of blogs than in "fashion blogs." I do sometimes browse the latter, but mostly because they are usually the first ones to post about new products and stores that open in the Philippines. (See? Using your blog to attain free hooch can actually get you more readers!)
The writer quotes this line from Easy A: “I don’t know what your generation’s fascination is with documenting your every thought, but I can assure you: they’re not all diamonds.” I find that it doesn't actually apply to fashion blogging, but more on tweeting, which I admit, I am very fond of. I am extremely guilty of documenting every thought I have on the internet, but I always think that if people don't like what they see, then they can very easily choose to ignore it. Not all my thoughts are diamonds, sometimes they're just rocks, but also sometimes they are rocks that have diamonds inside them when you mine them, and in this case, mining is writing about them. Wow, that metaphor got away from me. What I'm saying is that some thoughts seem really idiotic at first, but writing about them help develop them, and sometimes they turn out to be actually pretty great ideas. Like this blog post, for example. (I'm just kidding, I know this is a load of shit.) So please do not be discouraged to develop your ideas!
Like Gabie, I also tried my hand at documenting my outfits (Don't attempt looking for my Lookbook.nu account because I have deleted it.) I never got a large enough audience for my posts to be able to refute or confirm what she says about blogging affecting and changing your personal style. Although my friend who has a popular fashion blog just says that it motivates her to dress her best, which I don't think is such a bad effect. In fact I, especially, admire bloggers for the dedication to their personal style, because it is something that I know I can never have. I enjoy fashion very much. It is what I think about all the time. But you can never tell that my love for fashion is actually of that magnitude, because I don't show it in the way that I dress. Someone once said that fashion is the greatest form of art, because you can wear it and it presents itself in your everyday life. I agree to an extent, but personally, I love fashion because of the fantasy in it. I guess that's why I love high fashion. There's the sense of escapism. It's less of a self-expression to me. The kind of high fashion that I enjoy nowhere near presents itself in the life of a 19 year old middle class university student, so I have very little interest in dressing myself.
"But as it stands, the idea of being highly photographable pulls focus away from making more sartorial choices and keeps it on staying trendy. The fashion being blogged about becomes homogenized, because everything falls in line with some exaggerated interpretation of trends." I don't know why these bloggers all dress the same way. I don't even know that they do (because I don't pay much attention to them). But the thing with these blogs is that people view them as a source of inspiration, so, of course, taking inspiration from them means there'll be the chance you'll look similar to them. Or maybe that's really just their style and it just so happens that that very style is what readers find appealing so, naturally, they become the most-read bloggers. The Philippines is not fashion forward, that I can say with no hesitations or second thought. Just think of all the people who actually think monogram bags are fashionable and you'll see that I'm right. The fact is that high fashion trickles down to us and, in the process, is altered to fit the tastes of the masses until they all look practically the same. And who would your readership be if you wore Rick Owens or Margiela (or even inexpensive clothes styled in a weird way)? Probably only a handful of Filipinos. In my opinion, the only "fashion bloggers" we see are the bloggers that the readers can relate to and understand, that's why they all look the same. (I understand how this makes me sound very snobbish and pretentious, but just think that if I talked this excessively about One Direction or laptops, nobody would think I was a douche. What makes fashion so different from other people's interests?)
There's a part in this article that made me chuckle (not to be a total cunt). "There is a vast sense of entitlement that lingers, wherein because bloggers are so much more accessible, they are given the same amount of reverence as those who have curated the course of fashion history.... And so it stands that there is a clear question of how far out of context fashion has been placed, especially where it’s no longer models and editors pushing an aesthetic, but “real people” on their blogs." Maybe in the minds of the majority, "fashion bloggers" are revered and maybe even considered the pinnacle of fashion, but, do their opinions really matter? Accessibility does not get you reverence in fashion. So much of the imdustry is based on elitism. It is not "real people" who push an aesthetic, it's always been the editors and designers and the fashion industry. Let me, also, put in a quote from a fabulous movie, The Devil Wears Prada: "But what you don't know is that that sweater is not just blue, it's not turquoise. It's not lapis. It's actually cerulean. And you're also blithely unaware of the fact that in 2002, Oscar de la Renta did a collection of cerulean gowns. And then I think it was Yves Saint Laurent... wasn't it who showed cerulean military jackets?... And then cerulean quickly showed up in the collections of eight different designers. And then it, uh, filtered down through the department stores and then trickled on down into some tragic Casual Corner where you, no doubt, fished it out of some clearance bin. However, that blue represents millions of dollars and countless jobs and it's sort of comical how you think that you've made a choice that exempts you from the fashion industry when, in fact, you're wearing the sweater that was selected for you by the people in this room from a pile of stuff." So just like Anne Hathaway in this movie, these bloggers clothes all come from whatever Carine Roitfeld or Raf Simons said was fashionable. The way that I see it, it is not the "real people" who dictate trends and aesthetics, because it is the editors and designers that dictate it, even if it is indirectly.
The misunderstanding of the fashion industry is understandable (in fact I am only operating from my own guesses), but what really rubbed me the wrong way about the whole article and what had me write a whole blog post about it is that the writer has such an issue with how "inappropriate" someone's clothes are for the occasion. She writes,"it turns life into a runway that is so far out of touch with reality, it’s mind-boggling.... What is especially irritating are bloggers who post outfits to appear as though they approach life like they’re headed to events 24/7,... Real talk, sister: that’s not being ahead of the curve." It reminds me of all my friends who would roll their eyes or snicker or mock some girl in school who walks by in five inch heels or a girl who wears make-up to the gym. It's mean and uncalled for. Me wearing acrylic nails to go jogging will not affect anyone but me, so it's nobody's business but mine. If someone feels better when they wear long gowns to the park, then more power to them. Here's some real talk too: fuck real, wear whatever the fuck you like. That's punk! That's fashion!
Anyway, babes, please continue to blog about your clothes and show everyone your style and don't be afraid to experiment and develop, and don't let anyone tell you fashion is stupid and superficial and don't be discouraged!
(Sorry if I seemed sinister to the writer of the original article! I tried my very best to be polite while getting my point across)
Somebody tweeted a link to this Philippine Star article entitled "A Fashion Blogger Reality Check" and of course I just had to read it. I have yet to find a local "fashion blog" that I enjoy reading (in their defense, I don't really go out searching for any) for reasons that will probably make me sound like a complete snob (but I'll tell you about them anyway later on). So of course, I was very curious to see what people, who are intelligent enough to write for a national paper, thought about "fashion blogs."
Alright, before all that, I just want to explain why I keep putting quotation marks on that term. Everyone considers fashion blogs as the blogs where the majority of the posts are of the blogger's outfit of the day. Some famous local "fashion bloggers" are Camille Co, Tricia Gosingtian, Patricia Prieto. Even one of my closest friends, Cristina Decena, runs a very successful fashion blog. I, personally, think of these blogs as more of style blogs, rather than fashion blogs. To me, fashion blogs are blogs that talk about the fashion industry or blogs that show style, but not so much one's own. I guess I see the blogs of the "fashion bloggers" as leaning more on personal than for the sake of fashion, but that's just how I see it. Some of my favorite fashion blogs would be Coco's Tea Party or STREETFSN, just to show you the difference. So I want to make clear that I'm not putting quotation marks on the term to mock anyone; it's just that it would confuse me to use the term without them.
On to the article. Gabie, the writer, talks about how blogging was so different back in her day (Has anyone ever read an article on blogging that does not talk about this?). She says that she has a Tumblr, but does not consider herself a blogger. I, too, have a Tumblr, and even though I don't think it's as much of a blog as the fashion bloggers' blogs are, it's still a blog, so me using it makes me a blogger. But, again, that's just how I see it.
The first jab she makes at "fashion bloggers" is when she says that her blog is "all [her], and [she is] in no way trying to turn [herself] into [her] own movement with sponsors and free hooch." I don't have a fashion blog, but the only thing that would motivate me to make one is all the "free hooch" that I would probably get. (In fact, I was just having a conversation with my blockmates about this. They insisted I make a blog so we can all benefit from my "free hooch.") First of all. it's a blog. I don't see why you would target the integrity of a blog, especially one that has Jeffrey Campbell shoes as the highlight (This is my own jab at Jeffrey Campbell). I don't think any "fashion blogger" considers her blog as sacred and above receiving free stuff for. I'm sure the readers definitely don't mind seeing a stupid ad for lotion on their favorite blogs, so it's really not a big deal.
"I find that the blogs I tend to enjoy are the ones that aren’t really all about the person who runs the blog in question. It’s about the different street styles you’ll see in different cities, where the best sales are, or how to make the best of this week’s basil." I agree with her on this, because I think you learn so much more in those kinds of blogs than in "fashion blogs." I do sometimes browse the latter, but mostly because they are usually the first ones to post about new products and stores that open in the Philippines. (See? Using your blog to attain free hooch can actually get you more readers!)
The writer quotes this line from Easy A: “I don’t know what your generation’s fascination is with documenting your every thought, but I can assure you: they’re not all diamonds.” I find that it doesn't actually apply to fashion blogging, but more on tweeting, which I admit, I am very fond of. I am extremely guilty of documenting every thought I have on the internet, but I always think that if people don't like what they see, then they can very easily choose to ignore it. Not all my thoughts are diamonds, sometimes they're just rocks, but also sometimes they are rocks that have diamonds inside them when you mine them, and in this case, mining is writing about them. Wow, that metaphor got away from me. What I'm saying is that some thoughts seem really idiotic at first, but writing about them help develop them, and sometimes they turn out to be actually pretty great ideas. Like this blog post, for example. (I'm just kidding, I know this is a load of shit.) So please do not be discouraged to develop your ideas!
Like Gabie, I also tried my hand at documenting my outfits (Don't attempt looking for my Lookbook.nu account because I have deleted it.) I never got a large enough audience for my posts to be able to refute or confirm what she says about blogging affecting and changing your personal style. Although my friend who has a popular fashion blog just says that it motivates her to dress her best, which I don't think is such a bad effect. In fact I, especially, admire bloggers for the dedication to their personal style, because it is something that I know I can never have. I enjoy fashion very much. It is what I think about all the time. But you can never tell that my love for fashion is actually of that magnitude, because I don't show it in the way that I dress. Someone once said that fashion is the greatest form of art, because you can wear it and it presents itself in your everyday life. I agree to an extent, but personally, I love fashion because of the fantasy in it. I guess that's why I love high fashion. There's the sense of escapism. It's less of a self-expression to me. The kind of high fashion that I enjoy nowhere near presents itself in the life of a 19 year old middle class university student, so I have very little interest in dressing myself.
"But as it stands, the idea of being highly photographable pulls focus away from making more sartorial choices and keeps it on staying trendy. The fashion being blogged about becomes homogenized, because everything falls in line with some exaggerated interpretation of trends." I don't know why these bloggers all dress the same way. I don't even know that they do (because I don't pay much attention to them). But the thing with these blogs is that people view them as a source of inspiration, so, of course, taking inspiration from them means there'll be the chance you'll look similar to them. Or maybe that's really just their style and it just so happens that that very style is what readers find appealing so, naturally, they become the most-read bloggers. The Philippines is not fashion forward, that I can say with no hesitations or second thought. Just think of all the people who actually think monogram bags are fashionable and you'll see that I'm right. The fact is that high fashion trickles down to us and, in the process, is altered to fit the tastes of the masses until they all look practically the same. And who would your readership be if you wore Rick Owens or Margiela (or even inexpensive clothes styled in a weird way)? Probably only a handful of Filipinos. In my opinion, the only "fashion bloggers" we see are the bloggers that the readers can relate to and understand, that's why they all look the same. (I understand how this makes me sound very snobbish and pretentious, but just think that if I talked this excessively about One Direction or laptops, nobody would think I was a douche. What makes fashion so different from other people's interests?)
There's a part in this article that made me chuckle (not to be a total cunt). "There is a vast sense of entitlement that lingers, wherein because bloggers are so much more accessible, they are given the same amount of reverence as those who have curated the course of fashion history.... And so it stands that there is a clear question of how far out of context fashion has been placed, especially where it’s no longer models and editors pushing an aesthetic, but “real people” on their blogs." Maybe in the minds of the majority, "fashion bloggers" are revered and maybe even considered the pinnacle of fashion, but, do their opinions really matter? Accessibility does not get you reverence in fashion. So much of the imdustry is based on elitism. It is not "real people" who push an aesthetic, it's always been the editors and designers and the fashion industry. Let me, also, put in a quote from a fabulous movie, The Devil Wears Prada: "But what you don't know is that that sweater is not just blue, it's not turquoise. It's not lapis. It's actually cerulean. And you're also blithely unaware of the fact that in 2002, Oscar de la Renta did a collection of cerulean gowns. And then I think it was Yves Saint Laurent... wasn't it who showed cerulean military jackets?... And then cerulean quickly showed up in the collections of eight different designers. And then it, uh, filtered down through the department stores and then trickled on down into some tragic Casual Corner where you, no doubt, fished it out of some clearance bin. However, that blue represents millions of dollars and countless jobs and it's sort of comical how you think that you've made a choice that exempts you from the fashion industry when, in fact, you're wearing the sweater that was selected for you by the people in this room from a pile of stuff." So just like Anne Hathaway in this movie, these bloggers clothes all come from whatever Carine Roitfeld or Raf Simons said was fashionable. The way that I see it, it is not the "real people" who dictate trends and aesthetics, because it is the editors and designers that dictate it, even if it is indirectly.
The misunderstanding of the fashion industry is understandable (in fact I am only operating from my own guesses), but what really rubbed me the wrong way about the whole article and what had me write a whole blog post about it is that the writer has such an issue with how "inappropriate" someone's clothes are for the occasion. She writes,"it turns life into a runway that is so far out of touch with reality, it’s mind-boggling.... What is especially irritating are bloggers who post outfits to appear as though they approach life like they’re headed to events 24/7,... Real talk, sister: that’s not being ahead of the curve." It reminds me of all my friends who would roll their eyes or snicker or mock some girl in school who walks by in five inch heels or a girl who wears make-up to the gym. It's mean and uncalled for. Me wearing acrylic nails to go jogging will not affect anyone but me, so it's nobody's business but mine. If someone feels better when they wear long gowns to the park, then more power to them. Here's some real talk too: fuck real, wear whatever the fuck you like. That's punk! That's fashion!
Anyway, babes, please continue to blog about your clothes and show everyone your style and don't be afraid to experiment and develop, and don't let anyone tell you fashion is stupid and superficial and don't be discouraged!
(Sorry if I seemed sinister to the writer of the original article! I tried my very best to be polite while getting my point across)
Monday, May 28, 2012
new obsession: peplum party!
I tried out this H&M pola dot peplum top that's been sitting in my closet for months and I realized just how much I love this shape! It gives you an hourglass figure and makes you look slimmer around the waist. So I sought to find more peplum tops and, safe to say, they are currently my new obsession!

1. Alexander McQueen
2. Kenzo
3. Marc Jacobs
4. Suno
5. Julie Haus Novak
6. Drothy Perkins
7. Topshop
8. Jane Norman
9. Lipsy
10. River Island
top l-r: balenciaga, giambattista valli, jason wu, givenchy celine
bottom: rodarte, lanvin, proenza schouler, louis vuitton, jil sander

1. Alexander McQueen
2. Kenzo
3. Marc Jacobs
4. Suno
5. Julie Haus Novak
6. Drothy Perkins
7. Topshop
8. Jane Norman
9. Lipsy
10. River Island
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Best of the Met Gala (2012)
Anna Wintour in Prada; Gisele Bundchen in Givenchy, Camilla Belle in Ralph Lauren, Carey Mulligan in Prada, Anja Rubik in Anthony Vaccarello
Scarlet Johansson in Dolce & Gabbana; Candice Swanepoel in Rag & Bone; Christina Ricci in Thakoon, Caroline Sieber in Christopher Kane, Giovanna Battaglia in Dolce & Gabanna
Jessica Stam in Dior, Kate Bosworth in Gucci, Marion Cotillard in Dior, Rooney Mara in Givenchy, Lana del Rey in Altuzzara
I stayed up until 6:30am to catch the livestream of the Met Gala. The tiny screen was desaturated and pixelated so I really couldn't see the dresses properly, but it was still so exciting to see the people come in and spot an amazing dress and try to guess who was wearing it. On my Twitter, I did commentaries that just consisted of "OHMYGOD" and "WERK!". It was also pretty fun to see who wore which dresses and what alterations they made like January Jones who wore a gown version of the yellow Versace couture.
What I really love about the Costume Institute Gala and what I look forward to every year is when designers bring their "dates"- models or artists or whoever is their muse or whoever represents their design aesthetic. This year there were a lot of very interesting pairs! Olivier Theyskens and Caroline Trentini went together and I was so excited, because I love Olivier so much and Caroline was my first ever favorite model when I was younger so it was so cute to see them together! Joseph Altuzzara brought Lana del Rey which was fabulous, because he dressed her in a killer sequin and cape combo. Alexander Wang brought Azealia Banks and I was just thankful that he didn't bring the Die Antwoord guys. Riccardo Tisci went with Rooney Mara, which wasn't surprising, but I was hoping for a much cooler date like last year's, but I guess since MCB's pregnant, it wasn'y going to happen. Of course, Rooney made it into my best dressed, seeing as she's wearing a custom Givenchy which she also collaborated with in creating.
I think the best thing about this year's Costume Institute Gala is that there was no Katy Perry in a light-up blinking dress.
Scarlet Johansson in Dolce & Gabbana; Candice Swanepoel in Rag & Bone; Christina Ricci in Thakoon, Caroline Sieber in Christopher Kane, Giovanna Battaglia in Dolce & Gabanna
Jessica Stam in Dior, Kate Bosworth in Gucci, Marion Cotillard in Dior, Rooney Mara in Givenchy, Lana del Rey in Altuzzara
I stayed up until 6:30am to catch the livestream of the Met Gala. The tiny screen was desaturated and pixelated so I really couldn't see the dresses properly, but it was still so exciting to see the people come in and spot an amazing dress and try to guess who was wearing it. On my Twitter, I did commentaries that just consisted of "OHMYGOD" and "WERK!". It was also pretty fun to see who wore which dresses and what alterations they made like January Jones who wore a gown version of the yellow Versace couture.
What I really love about the Costume Institute Gala and what I look forward to every year is when designers bring their "dates"- models or artists or whoever is their muse or whoever represents their design aesthetic. This year there were a lot of very interesting pairs! Olivier Theyskens and Caroline Trentini went together and I was so excited, because I love Olivier so much and Caroline was my first ever favorite model when I was younger so it was so cute to see them together! Joseph Altuzzara brought Lana del Rey which was fabulous, because he dressed her in a killer sequin and cape combo. Alexander Wang brought Azealia Banks and I was just thankful that he didn't bring the Die Antwoord guys. Riccardo Tisci went with Rooney Mara, which wasn't surprising, but I was hoping for a much cooler date like last year's, but I guess since MCB's pregnant, it wasn'y going to happen. Of course, Rooney made it into my best dressed, seeing as she's wearing a custom Givenchy which she also collaborated with in creating.
I think the best thing about this year's Costume Institute Gala is that there was no Katy Perry in a light-up blinking dress.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Summer Playlist Pt 1
The first week of May has just ended meaning that the first half of the summer has gone by! Sad as that is, I've enjoyed the past month of lounging around and shopping and seeing friends! And of course, all that fun had to have a soundtrack! So here's my first half of Summer playlist!
1. Blue Jeans (Smims&Belle Remix) Lana del Rey ft. Azealia Banks
2. Boyfriend (Justin Bieber Cover) Marina & the Diamonds
3. Cold Blood Red Shoes
4. Disparate Youth Santigold
5. Go Outside Cults
6. Goldie A$AP Rocky
7. Hands on the Wheel Schoolboy Q ft. A$AP Rocky
8. Lazuli Beach House
9. Oblivion Grimes
10. Primadonna Marina & the Diamonds
11. Santa Fe Beirut
12. Songs About Your Girlfriend Los Campesinos!
13. Summertime Sadness Lana del Rey
14. Up All Night One Direction
15. You Da One Rihanna
Nobody can tell me I don't have diverse music taste.
1. Blue Jeans (Smims&Belle Remix) Lana del Rey ft. Azealia Banks
2. Boyfriend (Justin Bieber Cover) Marina & the Diamonds
3. Cold Blood Red Shoes
4. Disparate Youth Santigold
5. Go Outside Cults
6. Goldie A$AP Rocky
7. Hands on the Wheel Schoolboy Q ft. A$AP Rocky
8. Lazuli Beach House
9. Oblivion Grimes
10. Primadonna Marina & the Diamonds
11. Santa Fe Beirut
12. Songs About Your Girlfriend Los Campesinos!
13. Summertime Sadness Lana del Rey
14. Up All Night One Direction
15. You Da One Rihanna
Nobody can tell me I don't have diverse music taste.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Male Models in S/S 2012
a few editorials my favorite male models did for different magazines' spring 2012 issues
Metal Spring/Summer 2012
ph: Paolo Zerbini
Benoni Loos & Alex Dunstan
Hunter Spring/Summer 2012
ph: Paolo Di Lucente
Angus Low & Lowell Tautchin
Another Man Spring/Summer
ph: Alasdair McLellan
Erik Andersson
Metal Spring/Summer 2012
ph: Richard Jensen
Paul Boche
Dansk Spring/Summer 2012
ph: Mark Kean
Mathias Lauridsen
Metal Spring/Summer 2012
ph: Paolo Zerbini
Benoni Loos & Alex Dunstan
Hunter Spring/Summer 2012
ph: Paolo Di Lucente
Angus Low & Lowell Tautchin
Another Man Spring/Summer
ph: Alasdair McLellan
Erik Andersson
Metal Spring/Summer 2012
ph: Richard Jensen
Paul Boche
Dansk Spring/Summer 2012
ph: Mark Kean
Mathias Lauridsen
GQ France April 2012
ph: Giovanni Zaccagnini
Nicolas Ripoll
Friday, April 6, 2012
summertime sadness
(The title has nothing to do with the posts, as usual. It's just the song that I happen to be listening to!)
If you know me (or if you read this blog, which you're doing right now) then you would know that I hate putting in unnecessary effort (I hate putting in necessary effort too, but that's besides the point I'm trying to make). Whenever I travel with my family, I pack only the night before our flight-- by pack, I mean dump all the articles of clothing I see until I feel that they would be enough to last me the whole trip. I figure I don't really care about looking good, because I don't know anyone where I'm going and I hate having my photo taken anyway. But since today is Good Friday and tomorrow is something something Saturday and the day after that is a Sunday that is holier than other Sundays of the year, malls will be closed and I will be stuck at home until then. So I've decided that planning my outfits for next week's trip would probably help kill some time. I ended up not sleeping for a whole 24 hours (It's true, but I wasn't working on this the whole time, I was just trying to fix my body clock. And since we're in parentheses, I'd like to apologize for my writing. Again, I am running on no sleep)!
So here are the sets I've made! I picked only clothes that are similar to ones I own, so I can actually wear the outfit. I expect to be applauded for my effort in adding some color to these looks (it was painful to not have to go all black). I'm still deciding which looks to pack with me. That could take another sleepless night.
Need to mention that whenever I am deciding on an outfit, packing for vacation or just going out of the house, I always find inspiration in style blogs! I thought I'd share my favorites:
i'm sure i've forgotten loads more, but for now this is the list!
If you know me (or if you read this blog, which you're doing right now) then you would know that I hate putting in unnecessary effort (I hate putting in necessary effort too, but that's besides the point I'm trying to make). Whenever I travel with my family, I pack only the night before our flight-- by pack, I mean dump all the articles of clothing I see until I feel that they would be enough to last me the whole trip. I figure I don't really care about looking good, because I don't know anyone where I'm going and I hate having my photo taken anyway. But since today is Good Friday and tomorrow is something something Saturday and the day after that is a Sunday that is holier than other Sundays of the year, malls will be closed and I will be stuck at home until then. So I've decided that planning my outfits for next week's trip would probably help kill some time. I ended up not sleeping for a whole 24 hours (It's true, but I wasn't working on this the whole time, I was just trying to fix my body clock. And since we're in parentheses, I'd like to apologize for my writing. Again, I am running on no sleep)!
So here are the sets I've made! I picked only clothes that are similar to ones I own, so I can actually wear the outfit. I expect to be applauded for my effort in adding some color to these looks (it was painful to not have to go all black). I'm still deciding which looks to pack with me. That could take another sleepless night.
Need to mention that whenever I am deciding on an outfit, packing for vacation or just going out of the house, I always find inspiration in style blogs! I thought I'd share my favorites:
i'm sure i've forgotten loads more, but for now this is the list!
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