Saturday, October 15, 2011

Term break

Greetings, losers who probably aren't even on their term break yet, sipping on pina coladas by the bomb ass beach and chillaxing every single day! Well, okay, I'm not at the beach and I've never tasted a pina colada in my life, but I am on term break and I am chillaxing! Awwww yeeeeeehhhhh! My break started with a bang! I got home to my house from the dorm, crashed on my bed and literally started crying from sleep deprivation and exhaustion. Yeeeee booiiiiii! Okay, give me a break! I had not slept in 36 hours then just studying for my Literature finals. But that's all behind me now! I am now dedicating my life (read: 3 weeks) to whatever the fuck I want. Nothing can stop me from consuming 10 donuts a day or drinking scotch at 8am or burning my required readings (all things I would never do, but I would if I could). Speaking of 10 donuts, I don't even feel the LEAST bit guilty when I eat excessive crap, because I DESERVE [need] THIS [to keep me sane].

Okay, so my break just started the other day, but I've already finished season 1 of Breaking Bad. It is so great and it's a bit dragging at the start, but I am so thrilled for my season 2 download to finish (which will be NEVER because something is up with our wi-fi connection). Right now, kids are playing and screaming outside my house and I haven't thrown rocks at them! I'm fighting the urge to lock them up in a basement, but I haven't done it yet! That's how good I feel about this break.

All these good feelings make me want to give back. You know I don't wear half of what's in my closet? I'm thinking of selling it and giving proceeds to charity or something, but it's so hard, because I don't trust anyone. My English professor's friend is heavily involved in one of our local non-government operated charities and she claims that a lot of the profit doesn't actually go into helping anyone. So, let it be known that right now, I am promising not to fuck up my life so that one day I will help people. And maybe you might be saying "grrrrrlll please the only things you talk about are thousand dollar shoes" but fuck you all I will succeed and make this world a better place!

I think that's a bit much for a blog post so I'm ending this now. I suck at this, I never have any pictures, but trust me, my photography skills are horrifying and my face is worse, so just enjoy these black marks on your screen!

Adios! Time for me to get back to relaxing!

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