I am tired of shows that just switch main characters as love interests of each other, but I never thought a Dan/Blair tandem would get me so excited!
Look at them. That's sexual tension right there!
These two are probably my favorite characters out of the main cast and I never thought of them as a couple, but it works! Granted that they don't have an actual love story yet, but they have given us a taste and we want more! It's actually sad that this episode (Panic Roommate) didn't have any Dan/Blair scenes. I'd like to think the idea hasn't been scrapped because I've already envisioned what they would be like as a couple. Saturdays spent lovingly bickering over where to go- Dan wanting to go to a poetry reading in Brooklyn while Blair urging to watch at the Metropolitan Opera. (Obviously I am too emotionally invested in this so the writers better not kill off this love team!) Dan/Blair will be the most intelligent, most cultured couple in New York!
Another thing that's new on the show is Raina (did I spell that right?) and Thorpe Enterprises.
I really couldn't care less about all this Empire hoo-ha nor do I care about Chuck's love life (I mean really? The reformed bad boy image doesn't work anymore. Chuck has fallen for so many girls in the past that we've lost interest.), but I am a wee bit interested in this Raina girl. I'm sure either she turns out to be a traitor or she ends up with Chuck. I am just so bothered by the fact that the show is writing her as an identical version of Chuck, except with ethnic diversity and a vagina. I mean, come on. They have the same hiding place? Lame.
Now for the Ben thing. I really don't have much thoughts on it. Whenever there is a scene with Serena, I always just take a second to examine her whole outfit (the only good thing about this character) and then my attention focuses on something other than the show. I just find Serena's character to be so daft and it gets boring to watch her after a while. I do think Ben is hot though!
Also, someone needs to explain to me the scarf and gown combo. Is this a thing?
The show needs something fresh! Kill someone. Give someone herpes. Make Serena poor and deformed. I don't know. Something!
I do enjoy the show's guest stars. They had Rachel Zoe, Stefano Tonchi, and this week it was Florence + The Machine (which is one of my fave bands!).
No matter how many complaints I have for this show, I'll still continue to watch it every week. No other show delivers such great fashion.