So it's only a couple of weeks until the New Year and I thought it's time for Year-Ender posts (Yes, there is an S because I won't be able to remember everything in 2010 in a single entry). I guess 2010 has been a good year. I don't really know how to tell if it's been good or not because hey, I'm still alive. Nothing life-changing (other that the usual expected things I'm really supposed to go through) has happened to me so I can't say. I will say that I am thankful for this year and this post is a Top Ten Best Things That Happened To Me This Year (that's a mouthful).
10. Graduating High School. I guess this is the least important because we all knew it was going to happen eventually. It was so great to be finally out of there! No more stupid rules and stupid teachers. No more Catholic practices. It's just wonderful to finally be free of the place.
9. Blogging. This 2010 I committed myself to finally blogging. I used to write in a diary religiously everyday, but I ran out of diaries and grew up and became too busy. My professor says it's a very helpful writing exercise to keep a diary/journal. I thought why not a blog (since I am on the computer so much)? I actually use this more for personal and more sensible writing while I use my Tumblr for fangirling. It's actually a helpful and I'm glad I get to practice more writing.
8. Getting my hair coloured. It seems pretty shallow, but it actually means a lot more to me than it seems. You see for the longest time, probably since I was 13, I have wanted to colour my hair. My mother has always discouraged it and I've always been to scared to do it. I always made excuses like "My hair might die" or "What if it doesn't look good?" and "I'm broke". Okay that last one was a valid excuse. Well, this sembreak I finally grabbed a pack of Prettia and shampooed like 'dry damaged hair' was a myth! It turned out pretty great actually. The color is a light shade of chestnut brown and it isn't too drastic, but it's a stepping stone to what I really want which is ginger! Colouring my hair was kind of an indication that I am now, I wouldn't say comfortable, but less afraid of change and risks. Maybe, if I succeed in convincing my parents, a tattoo is in the works!
7. Going back to Hong Kong. During the semester break, I went to Hong Kong with my Dad and a few relatives. It was 4 straight days of nothing but shopping and food! I had some much needed retail therapy after a stressful first semester of college. It was great to bond with my Dad and I realized that he is the perfect shopping buddy!
6. Dorm Life. Living in a dorm was such a scary concept to me. I am very dependent on my family and househelp (who happens to be my best friend in the world and keeps me sane). When I started dorming (this is a term I'm going to use from now on) I was surprise by how normal it was. It just felt like home, except with a lot of people and I can't walk around in underwear (Oddly enough people still stare when I walk around in clothes that could pass for underwear. This is supposed to be my house and in my house I walk around wearing things like these). Sure it's really a hassle because I need to save money and I have to walk or trike to school, but it's great because I'm learning responsibility.
5. Learning to commute. Public transportation and I are not best friends yet, but we're getting there. Because I now live in a dorm, I've had to take a trike to school everyday. Believe it or not, a year ago this would have been a really outrageous idea to me, but now I do it everyday! I have learned to take the train. I've even ridden it alone and had to transfer stations. It's extremely stressful and tiring, but very cheap and fast. I hope I get to be a commuting savant soon because I am sick of needing to ask my parents to bring me places.
4. Re-uniting with Cara. I still remember the last time I saw her before she moved to Canada back when we were 14. I gave her a hug and left. No long teary goodbyes, no emotional hugs, nothing. It was as if I would see her the week after. I was never really good at goodbyes. I guess we didn't realize how much we would miss each other. I saw her again this summer when she came back to the Philippines. We had a great few weeks together and it's great to know that even after those years of being apart, we're still as close as ever and we still remember all the crazy memories.
3. Learning to drive. I've recently been taking driving lessons and they've been going great. I've been scared of driving since my Mom, the panicky paranoid driver, learned. It's always seemed like such a scary thing from her point of view. When I was finally behind the wheel, it felt so normal. I'm very very excited to be able to drive myself to wherever I want to go. I just know this will very much help my social life and probably my sanity since I won't be home so much anymore.
2. Meeting and becoming close to new wonderful people. Actually making friends is a big deal to me. I don't mix well with people. I don't have that natural charm that makes everyone want to befriend me. I am not just saying this. I find it physically exhausting to connect with another human being when things like physical appearance, politeness and manners get in the way. This is why it is such a big deal to me that I have actually managed to make good friends. They're all great and wonderful and I'm happy to have met them.
1. Getting into my dream school! Ateneo has been my [realistic] dream since I started considering college prospects. I'm so glad that I am currently going to this university. Even though it took some work and a long and agonizing wait, it was very well worth it. I'm getting quality education and, though I complain a lot, I am really enjoying actually learning and being challenged. I am very excited to see the look on the face of the person who will interview me for a job when he/she sees that I graduated from ADMU.
Well, that's it. Wait for more installments of my 2010 Year Ender Posts!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
I do not like to consider this a fashion blog. This is a personal blog, and it just so happens that fashion is a huge part of my life. The reason I do not blog much about my personal life is that nothing interesting actually happens to me. The biggest thrill I got this week was going online to see the latest Chanel collection. I'm planning on blogging more about me though so I'll start now!
I have been taking driving lessons since three weeks ago and the only time I get to practice is on the weekends when I'm not in school or at the dorm. I'm very very excited about driving myself places because I wouldn't need to bother my parents to give me a ride. I already have a car. It's a 2010 Toyota Altis. My Dad is talking about selling it to buy me a less expensive car because apparently I have to earn it, but I highly doubt he's serious. 6 more hours of lessons and a lot more practice until I can get my license! So excited!
Okay now on to the fashion! (well duh)
I have been keeping tabs on the Pre-Fall shows and unfortunately only three out of the handful are good.

First is Jason Wu's collection. His designs are young but sophisticated. The collection is stunning! It's all very classy, but very hip. So very Lily Van der Woodsen, but younger. My favorite has to be the nude bejewelled dress and the navy blue coat. You all know I am the biggest fan of lace and I am in love with that black sheer lace shirt. I need that in my closet ASAP! And check out the middle row middle column dress. Didn't I say electric pleats were back in? I used to have a skirt like it! Must go vintage shopping soon! :)

Temperley London showed us lace and jewels this season too, but with a Matador twist! I adore the purple in this collection and the patterns on the lace are absolutely gorgeous. If I were to pick a favorite piece it would be the top right dark purple lace dress. I kind of have a shoe crush on those strappy heels.

Of course, Chanel!!! Karl showed his Byzantine inspired collection in Paris. Chanel insists on reviving tweed so I will oblige them! I have this old tweed jacket at home and a little DIY and maybe it could pass for a Karl Original! Kidding. I really really love this collection. The gold makes everything better! If I were a Turkish Princess I would wear everything here. Alas, I am not so maybe I'll do with an old tweed jacket and some bling. PS. I don't understand why these models are wearing hooves. Horse feet = not attractive. Just saying.
Well that's it! I have class tomorrow and a ton of homework. Did I mention I am broke as a joke? I don't even have two pesos to rub together. Oh c'est la vie!
Here's an AMAZING video of Marion Cotillard for Dior!
I have been taking driving lessons since three weeks ago and the only time I get to practice is on the weekends when I'm not in school or at the dorm. I'm very very excited about driving myself places because I wouldn't need to bother my parents to give me a ride. I already have a car. It's a 2010 Toyota Altis. My Dad is talking about selling it to buy me a less expensive car because apparently I have to earn it, but I highly doubt he's serious. 6 more hours of lessons and a lot more practice until I can get my license! So excited!
Okay now on to the fashion! (well duh)
I have been keeping tabs on the Pre-Fall shows and unfortunately only three out of the handful are good.
First is Jason Wu's collection. His designs are young but sophisticated. The collection is stunning! It's all very classy, but very hip. So very Lily Van der Woodsen, but younger. My favorite has to be the nude bejewelled dress and the navy blue coat. You all know I am the biggest fan of lace and I am in love with that black sheer lace shirt. I need that in my closet ASAP! And check out the middle row middle column dress. Didn't I say electric pleats were back in? I used to have a skirt like it! Must go vintage shopping soon! :)
Temperley London showed us lace and jewels this season too, but with a Matador twist! I adore the purple in this collection and the patterns on the lace are absolutely gorgeous. If I were to pick a favorite piece it would be the top right dark purple lace dress. I kind of have a shoe crush on those strappy heels.
Of course, Chanel!!! Karl showed his Byzantine inspired collection in Paris. Chanel insists on reviving tweed so I will oblige them! I have this old tweed jacket at home and a little DIY and maybe it could pass for a Karl Original! Kidding. I really really love this collection. The gold makes everything better! If I were a Turkish Princess I would wear everything here. Alas, I am not so maybe I'll do with an old tweed jacket and some bling. PS. I don't understand why these models are wearing hooves. Horse feet = not attractive. Just saying.
Well that's it! I have class tomorrow and a ton of homework. Did I mention I am broke as a joke? I don't even have two pesos to rub together. Oh c'est la vie!
Here's an AMAZING video of Marion Cotillard for Dior!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
My fashion story!
This is a tag I found floating around Youtube. I decided I would do it since it might be fun!
1. How old were you when fashion became an important part of you life?
Ever since I can remember, fashion has been my life! I can't remember ever wanting to be anything that didn't involve fashion- designer, stylist, magazine editor- you name it! I cannot remember a pivotal event that made me fall in love with fashion, I have just always loved it. My Mom said that I had muscular calves as a little kid because I always wore heels. Yes, at 7 years old I was wearing heels! Ridiculous as that might have looked, I thought I looked fabulous in them- and I felt fabulous in them too! Years have passed and I am as in love with fashion as I was back then, but now I understand it more and I have a more in-depth relationship with it.
2. Who or what inspired you to love fashion?
I have a lot of inspirations, but if you are asking who influenced me to love fashion, then I would not be able to pinpoint exactly. Like I said I have always been like this and I cannot remember a time when I was not so it is hard to say who or what made me like this. I grew up with my Mom and Dad, neither cared about clothes. I can't really say, but I do not remember a point in my life when I did not love fashion. Honest.
3. Whats your favorite clothing store or designer?
My favorite has to be Topshop! They have the best of everything! I would wear everything they sell! As for designers, I love the Mulleavy sisters, Elie Saab, Alber Elbaz, Christian Lacroix (who was my first ever favorite designer. ah i miss him!), Riccardo Tisci (worship him), the duo behind Valentino.. etc!!
4. If you were forced to wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Something comfy, but still stylish and something I would be able to rock until I'm 50! Black skinny jeans, a sheer top with lace details (think Valentino Fall 2010), nude pumps!
5. What is your fashion pet peeve?
That clothes only look good if you're skinny. :(
6. What is the first thing you notice in a person's outfit?
Guys: Shoes! Shoes are such a big deal for guys! They're a deal breaker or maker! Girls: Everything, usually top or dress.
7. What fashion trend has confused you?
Fringe! I'm just not feeling it. Also, drop crotch pants.
8. Would you rather buy one designer item and use it for the rest of you life or by multiple things yearly from places like H&M, Forever 21, Rue 21, or Charlotte Russe?
Definitely multiple pieces from not-so high end brands. I believe in investing in designer duds and all, but when you're 17 and living on a budget, F21 and H&M are your best friends!
I tag everyone who read this! :)
1. How old were you when fashion became an important part of you life?
Ever since I can remember, fashion has been my life! I can't remember ever wanting to be anything that didn't involve fashion- designer, stylist, magazine editor- you name it! I cannot remember a pivotal event that made me fall in love with fashion, I have just always loved it. My Mom said that I had muscular calves as a little kid because I always wore heels. Yes, at 7 years old I was wearing heels! Ridiculous as that might have looked, I thought I looked fabulous in them- and I felt fabulous in them too! Years have passed and I am as in love with fashion as I was back then, but now I understand it more and I have a more in-depth relationship with it.
2. Who or what inspired you to love fashion?
I have a lot of inspirations, but if you are asking who influenced me to love fashion, then I would not be able to pinpoint exactly. Like I said I have always been like this and I cannot remember a time when I was not so it is hard to say who or what made me like this. I grew up with my Mom and Dad, neither cared about clothes. I can't really say, but I do not remember a point in my life when I did not love fashion. Honest.
3. Whats your favorite clothing store or designer?
My favorite has to be Topshop! They have the best of everything! I would wear everything they sell! As for designers, I love the Mulleavy sisters, Elie Saab, Alber Elbaz, Christian Lacroix (who was my first ever favorite designer. ah i miss him!), Riccardo Tisci (worship him), the duo behind Valentino.. etc!!
4. If you were forced to wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Something comfy, but still stylish and something I would be able to rock until I'm 50! Black skinny jeans, a sheer top with lace details (think Valentino Fall 2010), nude pumps!
5. What is your fashion pet peeve?
That clothes only look good if you're skinny. :(
6. What is the first thing you notice in a person's outfit?
Guys: Shoes! Shoes are such a big deal for guys! They're a deal breaker or maker! Girls: Everything, usually top or dress.
7. What fashion trend has confused you?
Fringe! I'm just not feeling it. Also, drop crotch pants.
8. Would you rather buy one designer item and use it for the rest of you life or by multiple things yearly from places like H&M, Forever 21, Rue 21, or Charlotte Russe?
Definitely multiple pieces from not-so high end brands. I believe in investing in designer duds and all, but when you're 17 and living on a budget, F21 and H&M are your best friends!
I tag everyone who read this! :)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
procrastination nation
I've been in my dorm since 3pm today and the one thing I told myself I had to do was read our English assignment on Ecotourism. My English teacher said it was going to be a difficult essay to read. To say this discouraged me would be an understatement. You see, the last essay we had to read that she warned us would be slightly difficult had me on the brink of tears while trying to understand it (granted that the previous essay had a much bigger effect on our grades, our teacher still claims this new one on Ecotourism will be twice as hard as the previous one). It's already 11:10pm and I should be sleeping now, instead I am sitting next to the packet of essays afraid to even glance at it. So what do I do to make myself feel like I am responsible, but not really do shit? You got it! Procrastinate.
So here I am blogging, telling myself the moment I finish this entry I will grab that packet and read it like there's no tomorrow. Okay, wrong use of words because I wouldn't bother reading it if there was no tomorrow since tomorrow is the quiz. Okay, so onto my blog entry.
I have just realized I really do not have anything substantial to write about. This being just an excuse for me not to fulfill my responsibilities, I do not think I actually need to write anything of substance here nor do I think you expected me to anyway.
Let's start with today. I believe the days are measured by the conversations you have, ideas you come up with, and people you encounter. Karen and I had a talk about how insecure girls in school make us feel. I actually thought I was the only one who felt this way. You see, back in high school I never actually felt this inferior. All the girls in college seem to be so skinny and gorgeous and I seem to be getting more unattractive as the days go by. I realized I felt inferior in every sense of the word- not just with looks, but with academics too. In class I feel like such a ditz because everyone seems to understand the lectures while I let my mind wander off. It's even worse because the professors seem to think that the more you recite the higher your grades will be, which I do not agree with at all. Some people just choose not to recite in class because that's just not how they learn. It is not in their personality. And it bothers me that teachers choose to grade us on this. I seem to go off-topic a lot. Then again, this blog is pointless so who cares, really?
I have been watching a ton of Make-up gurus on YouTube. I fail at putting make-up on. I have always loved Make-up ever since I was a kid. I used to experiment using my mom's limited collection (she used to be really simple back then. I think as I grew into a teenager, she became one as well. She wears heels now and buys make-up). I try to put on make-up, really, but my face was not made for it. Just when I think it looks great, my Asian eyes eat up all the make-up until there's nothing there anymore. I gave up for a while until I started watching these videos and it sort of gives me hope that with the perfect tools at my disposal I can finally look good with make-up on. So, I made a huge ass list of things people can buy me for Christmas. I'm guessing it's perfect since make-up doesn't cost that much and people always ask what I want so might as well just tell them. I won't post the whole list here. I'm hoping by New Year I'll have a make-up collection of my own!
So I have actually entered stage 7 of my Procrastination stage and it is not pretty. I just actually opened it and realized how small the print is and that it is 8 pages long. I'm sort of having a panic attack at the moment.
What's going to get me through this is the thought that I need a 2.8 to shift to AB Psych. That's a whole 'nother thought that needs a separate blog entry and I don't have time for that now.
I should go before I have a nervous breakdown.
So here I am blogging, telling myself the moment I finish this entry I will grab that packet and read it like there's no tomorrow. Okay, wrong use of words because I wouldn't bother reading it if there was no tomorrow since tomorrow is the quiz. Okay, so onto my blog entry.
I have just realized I really do not have anything substantial to write about. This being just an excuse for me not to fulfill my responsibilities, I do not think I actually need to write anything of substance here nor do I think you expected me to anyway.
Let's start with today. I believe the days are measured by the conversations you have, ideas you come up with, and people you encounter. Karen and I had a talk about how insecure girls in school make us feel. I actually thought I was the only one who felt this way. You see, back in high school I never actually felt this inferior. All the girls in college seem to be so skinny and gorgeous and I seem to be getting more unattractive as the days go by. I realized I felt inferior in every sense of the word- not just with looks, but with academics too. In class I feel like such a ditz because everyone seems to understand the lectures while I let my mind wander off. It's even worse because the professors seem to think that the more you recite the higher your grades will be, which I do not agree with at all. Some people just choose not to recite in class because that's just not how they learn. It is not in their personality. And it bothers me that teachers choose to grade us on this. I seem to go off-topic a lot. Then again, this blog is pointless so who cares, really?
I have been watching a ton of Make-up gurus on YouTube. I fail at putting make-up on. I have always loved Make-up ever since I was a kid. I used to experiment using my mom's limited collection (she used to be really simple back then. I think as I grew into a teenager, she became one as well. She wears heels now and buys make-up). I try to put on make-up, really, but my face was not made for it. Just when I think it looks great, my Asian eyes eat up all the make-up until there's nothing there anymore. I gave up for a while until I started watching these videos and it sort of gives me hope that with the perfect tools at my disposal I can finally look good with make-up on. So, I made a huge ass list of things people can buy me for Christmas. I'm guessing it's perfect since make-up doesn't cost that much and people always ask what I want so might as well just tell them. I won't post the whole list here. I'm hoping by New Year I'll have a make-up collection of my own!
So I have actually entered stage 7 of my Procrastination stage and it is not pretty. I just actually opened it and realized how small the print is and that it is 8 pages long. I'm sort of having a panic attack at the moment.
What's going to get me through this is the thought that I need a 2.8 to shift to AB Psych. That's a whole 'nother thought that needs a separate blog entry and I don't have time for that now.
I should go before I have a nervous breakdown.
Friday, November 19, 2010
We had no classes today because well I actually have no clue why, but I'm glad we don't. I spent all day watching Fushigi Yuugi, an anime I used to watch on TV when I was a kid. I also finally saw S02E02 of Misfits. I cried so hard. This is like the best show ever! It sucks so much that they only have 6 episode per season, I mean this show deserves more! E4 has got the best shows. I wouldn't recommend everyone to watch it, because it's kind of a love it or hate it thing. Aside from that, I also browsed a bunch of gossip sites and fashion blogs. I'm rounding up my picks for best dressed these past days (basically because I'm going insane from boredom). Here we go!

It's hard to believe this girl, Elle Fanning, is only 12. Here she is in an Azzaro dress looking every bit beautiful. I think the look is very festive and it's not just because she's next to a Christmas tree. The shoes are amazing! I need my own pair! The jewels on the shoes and dress, plus the silver headband give it a princess-y feel.

I always saw Eva Mendes on The RZ Project, but never paid attention to her style. After seeing this look on her I googled her past red carpet looks and I was shocked I never noticed them before. The Prada dress is doing all the work here. She has just a ring and black open toe mary-janes as accessories. Very simple. Hair simple and down. But somehow it all still works.

To me, Camilla Belle will always be Joe Jonas' ex-girlfriend and Taylor Swift's scorn enemy. This dress is making me think of her as someone who could be known for something other than her Hollywood relationships- known for her good fashion choices. The Carolina Herrera dress is stunning. I'm not too keen on the clutch she paired it with and she could have lost the bracelet on her right hand, but the dress makes up for everything! Well done, Camilla!

I'm sure January Jones drove the men mad with this salacious black number. I honestly did not recognize her at first, probably because it is so different from all the clothes she wears on Mad Men. I mistook her for a model (it was the hair that I usually saw on runways). This look is definitely in this week's top 3!

Carey Mulligan is officially on my style icons list. To me, if you are able to look absolutely stunning in a bob cut, then you're in. This Chanel dress she's wearing is tricky and will only look good on a few people and Carey does it justice! I am not a fan of the booties, but I think the clutch is spot on. This look is A+

I have always adored Kate Bosworth and her outfits are always there to inspire me. This specific one is gorgeous. The black gown with sheer details are a trend right now and here it is executed perfectly by Kate. The sheerness is subtle, but still there. I love how she styled it with silver dangling earrings and her hair swept back. She is stunning.

Everyone's always said Gwen Stefani has great style, but I never really saw it- until now. I always thought that the Harajuku Girls phase was tacky (even though I went through a phase when I was very much fascinated with eccentric Japanese fashion). So I figured she is unable to wear something sophisticated and classy. Wrong I was. Here she shows off that side with a LBD by Chanel. Everything here is great. I think she's better off without the tights, but either way it's a great look.

Last is Alexa Chung. Believe it or not, as much as I love them Brit It Girls, I was never obsessed with Alexa and her style. I thought she got away with her granny clothes and was called a style icon just because of her skinny model body. Sure she has those OMG moments where she totally shuts it down, but I find no consistency. Here in one of her to die for looks is a Proenza Schouler dress. Alexa is always working that baby doll dress and she looks good in them.
It's hard to believe this girl, Elle Fanning, is only 12. Here she is in an Azzaro dress looking every bit beautiful. I think the look is very festive and it's not just because she's next to a Christmas tree. The shoes are amazing! I need my own pair! The jewels on the shoes and dress, plus the silver headband give it a princess-y feel.
I always saw Eva Mendes on The RZ Project, but never paid attention to her style. After seeing this look on her I googled her past red carpet looks and I was shocked I never noticed them before. The Prada dress is doing all the work here. She has just a ring and black open toe mary-janes as accessories. Very simple. Hair simple and down. But somehow it all still works.
To me, Camilla Belle will always be Joe Jonas' ex-girlfriend and Taylor Swift's scorn enemy. This dress is making me think of her as someone who could be known for something other than her Hollywood relationships- known for her good fashion choices. The Carolina Herrera dress is stunning. I'm not too keen on the clutch she paired it with and she could have lost the bracelet on her right hand, but the dress makes up for everything! Well done, Camilla!
I'm sure January Jones drove the men mad with this salacious black number. I honestly did not recognize her at first, probably because it is so different from all the clothes she wears on Mad Men. I mistook her for a model (it was the hair that I usually saw on runways). This look is definitely in this week's top 3!
Carey Mulligan is officially on my style icons list. To me, if you are able to look absolutely stunning in a bob cut, then you're in. This Chanel dress she's wearing is tricky and will only look good on a few people and Carey does it justice! I am not a fan of the booties, but I think the clutch is spot on. This look is A+
I have always adored Kate Bosworth and her outfits are always there to inspire me. This specific one is gorgeous. The black gown with sheer details are a trend right now and here it is executed perfectly by Kate. The sheerness is subtle, but still there. I love how she styled it with silver dangling earrings and her hair swept back. She is stunning.
Everyone's always said Gwen Stefani has great style, but I never really saw it- until now. I always thought that the Harajuku Girls phase was tacky (even though I went through a phase when I was very much fascinated with eccentric Japanese fashion). So I figured she is unable to wear something sophisticated and classy. Wrong I was. Here she shows off that side with a LBD by Chanel. Everything here is great. I think she's better off without the tights, but either way it's a great look.
Last is Alexa Chung. Believe it or not, as much as I love them Brit It Girls, I was never obsessed with Alexa and her style. I thought she got away with her granny clothes and was called a style icon just because of her skinny model body. Sure she has those OMG moments where she totally shuts it down, but I find no consistency. Here in one of her to die for looks is a Proenza Schouler dress. Alexa is always working that baby doll dress and she looks good in them.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
It has been a weird month. Usually the one thing that always gets me the most upset is not being allowed to go out and party. I've always hated being stuck at home with nothing to do while all my friends are out having a good time. I very much wanted to see friends, but the one thing that really really made me excited for night outs was the getting dolled up part.
It has always been the most exciting part of my day, dressing up- picking what outfit to wear, what shoes will match this shirt, what to do with my hair. I especially love it when it's a big occasion where I can wear a ton of make-up and sky high heels.
Recently, I've been on a slump. My friends have started calling me ditcher, because I would always not attend the parties. It's because I've been too lazy to dress up. Also, I have been feeling very unpretty. Anna Dello Russo said "When you don't feel to dress means that you are depressed. You need a FASHION SHOWER" I am not sure what she means by FASHION SHOWER but I think I need it.
I think this is more like an anti-social thing. I enjoy dressing up when I'm with family or alone, but when I know a lot of people will be there and they'll be looking at me and what I wear, I just really don't want to go.
I don't even know, it's 2am and I just missed out on another party tonight. Whatevs xx
It has always been the most exciting part of my day, dressing up- picking what outfit to wear, what shoes will match this shirt, what to do with my hair. I especially love it when it's a big occasion where I can wear a ton of make-up and sky high heels.
Recently, I've been on a slump. My friends have started calling me ditcher, because I would always not attend the parties. It's because I've been too lazy to dress up. Also, I have been feeling very unpretty. Anna Dello Russo said "When you don't feel to dress means that you are depressed. You need a FASHION SHOWER" I am not sure what she means by FASHION SHOWER but I think I need it.
I think this is more like an anti-social thing. I enjoy dressing up when I'm with family or alone, but when I know a lot of people will be there and they'll be looking at me and what I wear, I just really don't want to go.
I don't even know, it's 2am and I just missed out on another party tonight. Whatevs xx
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I ♥ HK
Last night I got back from my trip to Hong Kong! Those four days were so much fun and exactly what I needed during my 3 week break from the hell hole that is Ateneo. I have missed Hong Kong dearly and it was so great to be back. Everything I loved was still there, but better! So many new malls now!
I love the weather in HK. Sunny, but still cool. I was able to wear my thick jackets, finally! Plus, everyone was so stylish! It was like "Oh just going to buy some fruits in my 5 inch fur booties".
Only two things I disliked in HK:
1. Everyone kept talking to me in Chinese. There was even one guy who chased me while shouting something in Mandarin as I was running to catch the train.
2. I looked like everyone else.
The first day was spent sleeping because Dad (who is an insomniac) didn't get sleep for days and I had no sleep either because I slept over at a friend's house the day prior. So we all woke up at 5pm and went to Mongkok right away! We walked so much. I bought a ton of random stuff at the Night Market, but no clothes or shoes or accessories. Oddly enough, there were only a few stalls that sold necklaces and rings and bracelets and none of them were nice.
We entered boutiques and malls too. I had a field day in H&M! Dad I got back to the hotel at 1am with sore feet and empty wallets!

I love the weather in HK. Sunny, but still cool. I was able to wear my thick jackets, finally! Plus, everyone was so stylish! It was like "Oh just going to buy some fruits in my 5 inch fur booties".
Only two things I disliked in HK:
1. Everyone kept talking to me in Chinese. There was even one guy who chased me while shouting something in Mandarin as I was running to catch the train.
2. I looked like everyone else.
The first day was spent sleeping because Dad (who is an insomniac) didn't get sleep for days and I had no sleep either because I slept over at a friend's house the day prior. So we all woke up at 5pm and went to Mongkok right away! We walked so much. I bought a ton of random stuff at the Night Market, but no clothes or shoes or accessories. Oddly enough, there were only a few stalls that sold necklaces and rings and bracelets and none of them were nice.
We entered boutiques and malls too. I had a field day in H&M! Dad I got back to the hotel at 1am with sore feet and empty wallets!
Walking to the subway (Dad thinks he's some kind of photographer)
I love me some H&M!
Jacket: Thrifted
Shorts: Zara
Bag: Mom's closet
Ring: Gift
Jacket: Thrifted
Shorts: Zara
Bag: Mom's closet
Ring: Gift
The next day was just Dad & I because the others decided to go to Macau while we opted to stay in Kowloon for more shopping! We went to Central first for more H&M and there we bought stuff for Mom & Jed. Then we went to Tung Chung for the outlet stores. Dad and I separated because he was exhausted and I wanted to go around some more. That was when I saw On Pedder. A ton of designer shoes on sale. There was the Atacoma, the Louboutins, and the one I want BANANAS for were the Nicholas Kirkwood x Rodarte booties! I lacked a little less than 1000HKD to be able to buy them! Sadly Dad wasn't around so I bid the shoes adieu (notice I didn't say GOODBYE ;)). After Tung Chung we were extremely tired so we went home already.

At the station. What is mataba?
At this super cool cafe/boutique called Initial. I used the glass as a mirror and when I stopped to look at my reflection a cute guy was inside looking. :">
Shirt: Zara
Skirt: SM Dept Store
Tights: Ladie's Market
Shoes: 168
Bag:Chanel Night Market
Dress: Gift
Rings: H&M and Gift
Bag: Ladie's Market
Shoes: Basic
Shirt: Zara
Skirt: SM Dept Store
Tights: Ladie's Market
Shoes: 168
The next day Dad had to work so it was just my Uncle and I shopping around Tsim Sha Tsui. We eventually parted since he had to buy shoes and perfumes for my Aunt while I wanted to look at clothes. I walked so many blocks and got lost for a while, but found my way back again. I got super excited when I purchased shoes that look almost exactly like the Addison Topshop wedges I have been wishing for! Got it for 1/3 the price too! I also fell in love with this boutique called Basic. They have the most amazing stuff at such cheap prices. I was this close to buying an amazing sheer + leather dress, but they didn't allow customers to fit the clothes and we all know what a huge problem that is for a big girl like moi. :( Maybe next time when I'm a skinny bitch.

Blazer: ThriftedThis is in the hotel
Dress: Gift
Rings: H&M and Gift
Bag: Ladie's Market
Shoes: Basic
The last day in HK was just a bunch of last minute shopping trips for people back home. No photos because we were all such in a hurry!
I cannot wait to go back to HK. Maybe next time I'll stay for a week because there is so much more to buy!
I cannot wait to go back to HK. Maybe next time I'll stay for a week because there is so much more to buy!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Fashion Week > Hell Week
It's going to be Hell Week for me, meaning a lot of major papers to be written, a lot of quizzes to study for, a couple of major exams, but this doesn't mean I will be neglecting the shows coming up, specially because it's Paris Fashion Week!
Let's cap off the other shows first.
Let's cap off the other shows first.
Monday, September 27, 2010
All the amazing shows have been piling up and I haven't gotten around to posting them yet! We have moved on to Milan Fashion Week, but I haven't finished London yet. :)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
more clothes
London Fashion Week has been wonderful! I could only wish to see the collections up close and in real life, but for now I am settling with photos over the internet. As I was saying, LFW is amazing. I actually like it more that NYFW. I have accumulated so much photos over the few days and I'll try to post them up to be up to date.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Before I move on to London Fashion Week, I want to tell you about the amazing weekend I had! It was the weekend of, one of my bestfriends, Joane's debut.
Last Friday, I had to stay at the dorm since I had a school activity the next morning. The CBA was, surprisingly, fun and exciting! We won 2 out of 3 games. Who would have thought we had such block unity? I played in 2 of the games we won, but I had to leave to make it in time for the debut.
At 3pm, I got picked up at the dorm and driven to Manila Pen. I got to the room and Ana & Yua were there already. Eventually, everyone started coming in: Karlos, Czar, Nic, G&G, Jara and everyone else. We started getting ready and the whole room was in absolute chaos! Grabbing eyeliners here, tossing of lipsticks there. I actually tried my hand at putting falsies on myself, but I looked ridiculous so I had Joane's make-up artist do it. Eventually we all finished and saw that the guests were pouring in the lobby. We were tasked to open the celebration by doing a catwalk and so we did. After that the celebration got started and it was great! We had a sit-in VIP dinner while the other guests had buffet. We took tons of photos while it was all going on.

After the dinner, there was the traditional debut rites- candles, roses, treasures. Then the party got started! There was a lot of dancing, but after 11:30, everyone retired to the hotel room. That's when the party really got started!

Those are some of my photos earlier in the party (meaning not intoxicated or stoned). I drank so much Absolut, but didn't get wrecked or anything. Meet my drinking buddies:

That's actually just a few of them. I stopped drinking before I could get shitfaced, and I did something else, which thankfully did not get me shitfaced, just trippy. I'm pretty sure I was annoyingly talkative that night.

I got really tired and I realized it was 5am so what better to do when you're all intoxicated and god-knows-what than take photobooth pics? At around 7 am, I finally got to sleep (the conditions I shall not disclose). I woke up at 9am with a raspy voice and dry mouth. The only people left at the hotel were Tina, Minhoo, Joane, Paolo, Karlos, Tiambeng & I. We, again, took photobooth pics.

After that we went to McDo do eat and I got picked up at 4pm. Slept when I got home.
Truly a weekend to remember!
Disclaimer: there are a lot of events and occurrences I did not and can not mention here for the safety of people's reputations.
Last Friday, I had to stay at the dorm since I had a school activity the next morning. The CBA was, surprisingly, fun and exciting! We won 2 out of 3 games. Who would have thought we had such block unity? I played in 2 of the games we won, but I had to leave to make it in time for the debut.
At 3pm, I got picked up at the dorm and driven to Manila Pen. I got to the room and Ana & Yua were there already. Eventually, everyone started coming in: Karlos, Czar, Nic, G&G, Jara and everyone else. We started getting ready and the whole room was in absolute chaos! Grabbing eyeliners here, tossing of lipsticks there. I actually tried my hand at putting falsies on myself, but I looked ridiculous so I had Joane's make-up artist do it. Eventually we all finished and saw that the guests were pouring in the lobby. We were tasked to open the celebration by doing a catwalk and so we did. After that the celebration got started and it was great! We had a sit-in VIP dinner while the other guests had buffet. We took tons of photos while it was all going on.
After the dinner, there was the traditional debut rites- candles, roses, treasures. Then the party got started! There was a lot of dancing, but after 11:30, everyone retired to the hotel room. That's when the party really got started!
Those are some of my photos earlier in the party (meaning not intoxicated or stoned). I drank so much Absolut, but didn't get wrecked or anything. Meet my drinking buddies:
That's actually just a few of them. I stopped drinking before I could get shitfaced, and I did something else, which thankfully did not get me shitfaced, just trippy. I'm pretty sure I was annoyingly talkative that night.
I got really tired and I realized it was 5am so what better to do when you're all intoxicated and god-knows-what than take photobooth pics? At around 7 am, I finally got to sleep (the conditions I shall not disclose). I woke up at 9am with a raspy voice and dry mouth. The only people left at the hotel were Tina, Minhoo, Joane, Paolo, Karlos, Tiambeng & I. We, again, took photobooth pics.
After that we went to McDo do eat and I got picked up at 4pm. Slept when I got home.
Truly a weekend to remember!
Disclaimer: there are a lot of events and occurrences I did not and can not mention here for the safety of people's reputations.
Friday, September 17, 2010
There is hope for me yet.
I never thought I would ever own anything Lanvin- or ever even get close to anything Alber Elbaz has created, but there is hope for me yet.
Lanvin's collaboration with H&M is going to be something I am looking forward to with unbearable excitement! Father promised we'd be going to Hong Kong sometime this year or next and I cannot wait to get my hands on the pieces!
Now, how adorable is Mr. Elbaz and his accent?
Lanvin's collaboration with H&M is going to be something I am looking forward to with unbearable excitement! Father promised we'd be going to Hong Kong sometime this year or next and I cannot wait to get my hands on the pieces!
Now, how adorable is Mr. Elbaz and his accent?
Part Trois
Okay, I should stop the French thing, it's not Paris Fashion Week.
I am done with my classes for the week, but yet I'm staying at the dorm until tomorrow because of a Community Building Activity I have to attend in school tomorrow. I'm sorry, I don't see the allure in wasting my Saturday running around playing games competing with other blocks. I still have to attend, because I only have 1 cut left until I get dropped and we would not want that. So I'll have a ton of time on my hands tonight- I might as well cap off all the shows I have seen so far.
I am done with my classes for the week, but yet I'm staying at the dorm until tomorrow because of a Community Building Activity I have to attend in school tomorrow. I'm sorry, I don't see the allure in wasting my Saturday running around playing games competing with other blocks. I still have to attend, because I only have 1 cut left until I get dropped and we would not want that. So I'll have a ton of time on my hands tonight- I might as well cap off all the shows I have seen so far.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Part Deux
Despite me having a 6 day weekday this week due to all the school-related activities I have, I refuse to let the week slide without me going through all the shows this Spring/Summer. I had a bit of a problem going through All this time I thought I had seen all the shows, but it turns out there were more links not displayed in their homepage. I have finally caught up now, and here are some more favorites (there are a lot!)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Fashion Week !
Fashion week is here again and I cannot be more delighted! It's time for me to update my wardrobe and where better to get new ideas than from the new Spring 2011 collections? Only a few designers have come out with their collections so here are a few that I have liked so far.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
If we were to love anything about this hot humid climate, it is that we get an excuse to wear skimpy clothes! I am always running around campus and sitting on uncomfortable areas (stairs, floors, etc). I`m always going up staircases and most of them are open flight staircases (the ones where if someone is under the stairs and you're in a skirt, they can see your knickers). That's why shorts are the perfect wardrobe staple for a college gal like me!
I think shorts never go out of style! I've been wearing them since I was a toddler and I still love them until now! Recently a lot of new styles have been considered trends. What's great is that you can wear shorts anywhere and anytime! Here are some ways on how:







Which shorts will you be sporting? xx
I think shorts never go out of style! I've been wearing them since I was a toddler and I still love them until now! Recently a lot of new styles have been considered trends. What's great is that you can wear shorts anywhere and anytime! Here are some ways on how:
Which shorts will you be sporting? xx
Monday, September 6, 2010
Star Magic Ball 2010
Once again, it is time for the Star Magic ball. For us Filipinos, it's that time every year (Okay, so it`s only on its 4th year, but it`s become an annual thing now) where we turn on our TVs to watch out local celebrities walk the red carpet. It was only last year that the event caught my attention. Gorgeous gowns, photographers everywhere, red carpet- I don`t know why I didn`t take interest in it before! Last year, the gowns were exquisite and I was stunned when I realized these were worn by local celebrities! Fashion really is improving in the country! This year, the dresses were prettier, the ladies more beautiful and the men more dapper.

When it comes to local fashion idols, Anne Curtis is someone I will never forget to mention. She is never afraid to try trends and almost every time, they work for her. At the ball she wore Michael Cinco (Who I think is a genius and whose dresses I dream of wearing). Her gown was gorgeous with such beautiful details. What's questionable is her styling. I am still confused whether I like it or not. I admit I am a fan of the dark lip on the right person, and I think Anne can rock anything, but with this dress, I`m just not so sure. It does match the nails, I`ll give her that. Maybe if the bag matched, it would be a hit? Either way, Anne still looks gorgeous.

I haven`t been hearing enough of Kelly Misa these days. As a pre-teen, I used to idolize her when she graced the spreads of Candy Magazine (my then Bible). Now she is as pretty as ever and as stylish too! This look of her in a dress by Joey Samson just reminded me why I loved her in the first place!

Bea Alonzo is my Dad`s crush. His reason being that she seems like such a nice, simple, polite, down-to-earth girl. Don`t get me wrong, all those are great qualities- in fact if you are any of those, I look up to you! It`s just that she doesn`t strike me as someone who would wow me- but that she totally did! Last year, she was one of my best dressed, but I saw her at a mall once looking not so fabulous and I figured she just got a lucky break. Now I have been proved wrong- either that or she has an amazing stylist. Again, Michael Cinco successfully makes beautiful girls even more beautiful in his creations.

Kim Chiu- hated her before, adore her now! How could I continue loathing her when she shows up in such amazing outfits? This jaw-dropping dress has to be my favorite of the night! It all looks so harmonious- her silver accessories, silver clutch, Furne One Couture dress, and flawless make-up. But back to the dress! OHMYGOD IT IS AMAZING. The intricate details. The sheer bottom. The structure of the bodice. I am salivating. (over the dress and not over Kim`s rumored boob job- although I must say, nice rack!)

If any boy deserved to be on the list, it is John Lloyd Cruz! This isn`t just me being biased. Ever since he dated Liz Uy (My fucking Queen I love her ohmygod), I have noticed he has become so fashyown! Here he is in Lanvin. FUCKING LANVIN. Need I say more? (I am sorry but hot men make me curse) PS. Please forget about that THING beside him. I could not find a nicer solo photo.

Maricar Reyes. I have only been aware of her existence for a short time ( I`m not sure but was she involved in the whole Hayden thing?). In that short period, I have come to know of her as a classy beautiful lady (Props to her if she was in that scandal, she made an amazing image despite it). Here she is in Ezra Couture looking her classy fabulous self!

Maja Salvador in Anthony Ramirez. Adore the neckline! This sheer thing is looking like a trend- a good one too! I am a bit iffy about the lace, but good look all in all!

Lastly, Cristine Reyes and her amazing Francis Libiran gown! Three words: D. I. E. !!!! The skeletal back is to die for! Her make-up and accessories complete the look! I am in such awe. This dress! JUST WOW.
Now I think I have run out of words due to so much beauty! So tell me which was your favorite look? :)
When it comes to local fashion idols, Anne Curtis is someone I will never forget to mention. She is never afraid to try trends and almost every time, they work for her. At the ball she wore Michael Cinco (Who I think is a genius and whose dresses I dream of wearing). Her gown was gorgeous with such beautiful details. What's questionable is her styling. I am still confused whether I like it or not. I admit I am a fan of the dark lip on the right person, and I think Anne can rock anything, but with this dress, I`m just not so sure. It does match the nails, I`ll give her that. Maybe if the bag matched, it would be a hit? Either way, Anne still looks gorgeous.
I haven`t been hearing enough of Kelly Misa these days. As a pre-teen, I used to idolize her when she graced the spreads of Candy Magazine (my then Bible). Now she is as pretty as ever and as stylish too! This look of her in a dress by Joey Samson just reminded me why I loved her in the first place!
Bea Alonzo is my Dad`s crush. His reason being that she seems like such a nice, simple, polite, down-to-earth girl. Don`t get me wrong, all those are great qualities- in fact if you are any of those, I look up to you! It`s just that she doesn`t strike me as someone who would wow me- but that she totally did! Last year, she was one of my best dressed, but I saw her at a mall once looking not so fabulous and I figured she just got a lucky break. Now I have been proved wrong- either that or she has an amazing stylist. Again, Michael Cinco successfully makes beautiful girls even more beautiful in his creations.
Kim Chiu- hated her before, adore her now! How could I continue loathing her when she shows up in such amazing outfits? This jaw-dropping dress has to be my favorite of the night! It all looks so harmonious- her silver accessories, silver clutch, Furne One Couture dress, and flawless make-up. But back to the dress! OHMYGOD IT IS AMAZING. The intricate details. The sheer bottom. The structure of the bodice. I am salivating. (over the dress and not over Kim`s rumored boob job- although I must say, nice rack!)
If any boy deserved to be on the list, it is John Lloyd Cruz! This isn`t just me being biased. Ever since he dated Liz Uy (My fucking Queen I love her ohmygod), I have noticed he has become so fashyown! Here he is in Lanvin. FUCKING LANVIN. Need I say more? (I am sorry but hot men make me curse) PS. Please forget about that THING beside him. I could not find a nicer solo photo.
Maricar Reyes. I have only been aware of her existence for a short time ( I`m not sure but was she involved in the whole Hayden thing?). In that short period, I have come to know of her as a classy beautiful lady (Props to her if she was in that scandal, she made an amazing image despite it). Here she is in Ezra Couture looking her classy fabulous self!
Maja Salvador in Anthony Ramirez. Adore the neckline! This sheer thing is looking like a trend- a good one too! I am a bit iffy about the lace, but good look all in all!
Lastly, Cristine Reyes and her amazing Francis Libiran gown! Three words: D. I. E. !!!! The skeletal back is to die for! Her make-up and accessories complete the look! I am in such awe. This dress! JUST WOW.
Now I think I have run out of words due to so much beauty! So tell me which was your favorite look? :)
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